Bin Laden DEAD!!!!!



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
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Tustin, CA
F you! May you burn in hell...God Bless America !
We (USA) got him! Freedom for the world! We still need to watch our backs.
No need for a link, turn on your TV. All the news channels have someone standing by at the WH for a speach from the president that he was supposed to make at 10:30pm eastern time.
he will burn in hell forever... I truly hate that POS!
YEAH! Bout time. Glad we got the creep.
WASHINGTON — CBS reporter Jill Jackson tweeted that a House Intelligence Committee aide confirms that Osama bin Laden is dead, and the U.S. has the body

Donald Rumsfeld chief of staff Keith Urbahn tweeted: "So I'm told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn."

CNN is reporting that three sources confirm bin Laden is dead.

The White House says President Barack Obama is making a late-night statement but is not announcing the topic that he will discuss.

It is highly unusual that the president would make a late-night statement with not even a hint about what he would discuss.
Let's not drop our guard. Watch your back. Those people can't be trusted.
I'm glad it was us that got him that let's the world know will not stop till we stop till terrorism ends.
cam we get his body over to make sure he is dead

They waited to announce so that they can confirm that it is him. Apparently the CIA did it, and they had to smuggle the body out of Pakistan.
A shot in the head.
There is some concern about Pakistan getting upset about us doing a hit like that.
I'm a firm believer in asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission.
I guess it's gonna be hell getting to work at the coast guard base tomorrow with the raised alert! :thebirdm:
Predator or boots on the ground? oops didnt read that last one. CIA, reward? Shot to the head, nice.....temple or forehead? Inquiring minds would like to know that one. Course I would have like to see it severed in memory of Daniel Pearl.
They waited to announce so that they can confirm that it is him. Apparently the CIA did it, and they had to smuggle the body out of Pakistan.
A shot in the head.
There is some concern about Pakistan getting upset about us doing a hit like that.
I'm a firm believer in asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission.

Fock em... that bastard killed over 2000 americans... I will never for get! US will never get along with everyone... Pakistan was harboring him in a fockin mansion out in the open, not in some whole in the ground!
I guess it's gonna be hell getting to work at the coast guard base tomorrow with the raised alert! :thebirdm:

I can think of bigger problems than that. I would gladly suck up that inconvenience.
Thank God and all our men and women in the service of our country...

Put his head on the end of a spear and display for all to see.