Question about instrument voltage regulator



Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
Campton Hills, IL
I suspect I need to replace mine which is the original one in my 67 dart. Today the fuel and temp were working fine. Came home shut off the car and later I started it up to check something. While it was idling I notice the temp gauge was reading high and the fuel gauge was telling me I had more fuel than I had earlier. I have a new fuel sending unit that I installed to get the fuel gauge working again.

So I shut off the car, high temp readings raise a flag. Went and got my infarred gun, started the car and checked the water pump temp on the back side out of the air stream. It was running 180-185. I have a 180 stat in it so I don't think it's overheating. I'm assuming it's the voltage regulater going bad since both the temp and fuel got goofy at the same time. So what do you guys think am I right?

I found a solid state one that plugs in place of the original. I assume I can get to this without removing the instrument cluster.

Edit: Located the regulator on the panel. I was concerned about possibly damaging a gauge, since the temp is deflecting all the way to the right, so I pulled the regulator until I get a replacement.

Edit2: Ok, I had a spare instument cluster with a voltage regulator. I tried that one and I had the same symptoms, gauges deflecting all the way. Is there something else that could cause this other than the regulator?
One of the other problems with those gauge clusters are the grounds. There are a few screws that hold the circuit board onto the back of the gauge cluster and over time the copper gets corroded, you should remove the gauge cluster and clean those grounds. You can give us a call at (661) 259-8891 and I can tell you exactly how to test everything before you put it back in the car.

yes, when the car is idling, the voltage is dropping down low, this and the fact that the original gauge regulators were electromechanical, that combined with the previous stated ground prob can cause havoc with the setup. If you can find the magazine article called "gauge rage" from the pages of mopar action magazine, this gives the whole lowdown on the fix for the problem. Another good site for some mopar electrical malady fixes is .
Thanks for the additional information. I got the solid state voltage regulator but haven't had a chance to try it yet. Probably should also check the ground connect like you suggested. Have to check the manual to see how hard it is to take the instrument cluster out to do that.
In addition to ground problems on the boards, the other problems are:

Broken/ corroded / loose pins on the board connectors

The spring connectors for the instrument limiter are NOT soldered to the board. They can become intermittent. I soldered mine to the board.

The nuts connecting the gauges to the boards can also become intermittent. Loosen/ tighten the nuts several times to "scrub" the connection.

So when you have it apart, THINK about the current path from the igniton supply pin --is it loose? to the regulator -good connection- to the output -same? to the gauge nuts --are they making good contact?

To drop the panel is not difficult. Pull the trim under the column, remove the floor plate bolts, remove one bolt up under the column bracket down by the pedals, and last, remove the two nuts up near the dash, and the column will just drop down.

Reach up from below, up through to the right of the parking brake and undo the speedo cable.

Then just carefully "fold out and down" the panel. The bottom of the speedo "hooks" over the dash, so it doesn't pull straight out.

Be careful of the board connectors.
I put the new solid state regulator in and gauges seem to be work fine. Now the temp gauage doesn't suddenly read high making you think it's over heating and the fuel gauge doesn't start reading higher.
Did you get the new regulator in a parts store or did you have to special order it from somewhere? 63 Valiant having the same issues
I have one from RedFish. I have not seen anyone complain after buying the Demon IVR he sells. Good service, guick delivery, and a great guy to help you.
I put the solid state relay in my 67 instrument panel also. On mine I had issues with the left turn signal light. I added a ground wire to the tab on the solid state relay and grounded it to my dash. Might help your problem also if it comes back since gas and temp gauges are on that side of the cluster.
I put the solid state relay in my 67 instrument panel also. On mine I had issues with the left turn signal light. I added a ground wire to the tab on the solid state relay and grounded it to my dash. Might help your problem also if it comes back since gas and temp gauges are on that side of the cluster.

Think I might try your suggestion before disassembling the cluster.

I didn't get around to checking the grounds on the instrument panel. It started acting strange and the symptoms are what people have been saying are ground related. This morning when I turned the headlights on the fuel and temp gauge stopped working and the left turn signal light came on about half bright. The gauges work when the lights are off but I see the solid state regulator going into protection mode once in a while, killing power, then it comes back. New regulator protects against over voltage with bad grounds. Well it is over 40 years old.
I just got a new one and now gauges read high instead of low. It has an extra connector coming off the top. Whats that for?