Men and Cookies

Here are Lori's contributions so far.....she's been at it all day!! Peanut butter cookies and short-bread!! Wonder if she knows how many went "missing"???


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yea, can i get a price on 6 squares of pecan fudge shipped to 24171 va !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's hiden' now. probably didn't think we'd care LOL

Hiding??? My butt's been in the kitchen all day again. Finally got a chance to sit down. First off, thanks for all the sweet compliments. :-D


Those are sugar free I'm guessin':D

Nope. Not a one Tony. :-D But I'll make an exception if you ever get down this way (and would've for the batch I sent to the MMW if I'd known) ... I have a fantastic sugar substitute I use when I make something for Billy's parents since they're both on special diets.

Wow, Lori just started her baking today too!! My fave is shortbread, I hope that is on her list. It all looks yummy, but ya gotta send me the recipe for the cream cheese candy!!

Oh it's easy Steve. Here you go.

Cream Cheese Candy

3 ounces Philadelphia cream cheese
1/2 stick butter (margarine works, but butter is better)
3 tbsp heavy cream or half & half
pinch salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
3-4 cups powdered sugar

Cream butter and cream cheese til fluffy. Add cream/evap milk, salt, vanilla and any desired food coloring and beat again til fluffy. Add powdered sugar gradually until it's stiff enough to drop a spoonful onto greased foil or waxed paper and not "pancake spread" all over the place. Chill until firm. (It's best to leave them as is, since trying to stack them loose in a container just makes them all stick together in a glob.)

Same thing is currently going on at my house...can't wait to get home from work! Must be a regional thing because your "holiday nuggets" look just like what we called "snow balls" in VT

In NH they call them snowballs too.

Depending on what's in the Snowballs, they might be the same as the Holiday Nuggets. Snowballs sometimes have coconut either inside or out, but the Nuggets are mostly powdered sugar, butter, flour, almond extract and a ton of pecans baked to a golden brown and then rolled in more powdered sugar while they're hot. Just melt on your tongue ... always one of my favorites.

When shipping baked goods, if you wrap them in foil and use plain popped pop corn for packing they arrive like they are just cool from the oven! I received a loaf of home made whole wheat bread that way and it barely got unwrapped before it began to dissapear!:blob: You can test this out on some you send to me!!!!!:lol:

LOL! Maybe I should have gone into selling baked goods instead of playing with dirty ol' car parts all day. That big azz oven could churn out a bunch ........ and it would smell better out there than the LiquiGuard does. :-D

..............I can vouch 4 Leanna's cookies........there

Hey Kim, maybe if I'd known about the shipping tip from nuttyprof before, your Chocolate Chip Cookies wouldn't have qualified for a guest spot on Mount Rushmore by the time they got through Customs and finally onto your plate. I'm surprised ya still have teeth left! :-D

Thanks again ya'll. If there was any way to get some of these requests filled, I would. Maybe next year I can plan ahead, start early with triple batches and get a few surprises circulating through FABOLand.

Well then ... exercise that 'Doba. LOL

Tulsa, Oklahoma to Greenfield, Tennessee

Suggested Routes
Muskogee Turnpike E to I-40 E
8 hrs 12 mins / 523.55 miles

I-44 E
8 hrs 33 mins / 509.79 miles

US-75 S to I-40 E
8 hrs 46 mins / 551.47 miles
I don't see a FABO Christmas cookie yet.:D MMG

Good idea!! Great timing because I haven't made the sugar cookies yet. I'll try and work one in. The wheelstander logo car may be a tough one to pull off. Billy always makes a couple x-rated ones so he can't give me any grief over a FABO cookie. LOL!
Thanks for the recipe!! Lori's gonna roller her eyes when I put this request in!!LOL Or maybe I can just make them.....

Oh it's easy Steve. Here you go.

Cream Cheese Candy

3 ounces Philadelphia cream cheese
1/2 stick butter (margarine works, but butter is better)
3 tbsp heavy cream or half & half
pinch salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
3-4 cups powdered sugar

Cream butter and cream cheese til fluffy. Add cream/evap milk, salt, vanilla and any desired food coloring and beat again til fluffy. Add powdered sugar gradually until it's stiff enough to drop a spoonful onto greased foil or waxed paper and not "pancake spread" all over the place. Chill until firm. (It's best to leave them as is, since trying to stack them loose in a container just makes them all stick together in a glob.) :-D

Pinch of salt??? How does that fit in relationship to a tad or a smidgeon???

Smidgeon, tad, pinch...


Smidgeon, pinch, tad...
any more cookie ****? what a sweet thread! dang, I wish I could get the computer screen dried off. :drool:
x2 Now i,m hungry and i,m home alone. may have to call dominos and settle for cinna sticks. Darn you Leanne.

Same here brother!!! I am hungry again now :banghead::D:D
I have tasted Leanna's cooking :cheers: I am slobbering more then Buddy waiting on a treat :toothy2:
When shipping baked goods, if you wrap them in foil and use plain popped pop corn for packing they arrive like they are just cool from the oven! I received a loaf of home made whole wheat bread that way and it barely got unwrapped before it began to dissapear!:blob: You can test this out on some you send to me!!!!!:lol:
This is how my mom and my sisters used to ship cookies to my brothers who were in Viet Nam back in the late 1960s. It works.

I have to give Leanna an "ATTA GIRL!" Her cookies are proof that she is indeed a sweet girl!!!

Merry Christmas

Nice treats Leanna :love7:With my dad being an old Scottish baker/chef,I know all to well about treats at Christmas.My dad still at 80 yrs old(bless his soul)still bakes about 60 dozen shortbread,christmas puddings/cake to give out to anybody that crosses his path at Christmas time.I,ll have to post some pics of his gingerbread houses and Santa sleighs he made for my daughter Haelee.Hope Billy will give you a break from the OVEN,s over the holiday season.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the North.:D
Laughing at the pinch / smidgeon thing, the cookie **** and the fact I've got ya'll fooled into thinking I'm a sweet girl.


Well, I try. Somebody has to keep Karl, Art and Memike in line around here. Bwahahahahaha

Just like every year, it seems these last few days preceding the holiday evaporated without as much progress as I hoped. I'm still trying to finish up a few last-minute jobs and get stuff out the door so it's where it needs to be by Sunday (not exactly going to plan either) so I didn't get anything else baked last night. I'll add to the sugar **** later as time and kitchen efforts permit. Ya'll have to see the Dream Squares ........... :-D
Has Billy come out of his "food coma" on the couch yet???
Per request, it's time for some more cookie ****. I had the toughest time staying off the phone today so a few were a little darker than I like to see 'em, but they'll still taste the same.

Lemon Bars ...

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A constant favorite, Dream Squares ...

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... and a close up for the chocoholics in the audience. The bottom layer is basically pecan brownies, the filling in the center is a fluffy mix of whipping cream, powdered sugar, cream cheese and peppermint extract, and the top is melted chocolate chips. I smash a candy cane and sprinkle the top because it's just not flashy enough as it is. :-D

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Then I moved on to the best Sugar Cookie recipe I own. Don't ask what the big green one with the frosting is; it was just the leftovers and slightly resembled an inverted Florida before I frosted it.

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I denied Billy his annual X-rated versions and used up the rest of the dough for my own secret purposes. It was time for the fun part. :wav:

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Pretty lame LOL ... not bad for a first attempt I suppose but it's lopsided. I covered it up with a bunch of frosting so no one would notice.

And this, I just had to. It came out better than I expected it would.

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...... and then, the Grand Finale .....

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It's the biggest single cookie I've ever made in my life (and yes, the whole thing really is hooked together) -- almost 8 inches long and 6 inches wide! Got a little carried away I guess ... but it's for my second family so it was worth the effort. :toothy7:

I wish each and every one of you the best Christmas yet! May Santa leave you and your ride exactly what you're hoping for under the tree. If I could leave a big azz plate of cookies there for ya you know I would. Merry Christmas FABO!!!