Men and Cookies



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
Some of you already know my cooking doesn't stop once I close the shop for the day and walk away from that 7-foot oven out there.

The Christmas season is a very busy time in my kitchen, and it's a long standing family tradition -- I make anywhere from 10 to 25 different kinds of cookies, candy and other delights with the sole purpose of giving most of it away to my friends.

I started today at about 11:00 with Nutmeg Logs, Billy's personal favorite ... so they're usually the ones I make first to keep the "When're you making mine?" to a minimum). You can see there's already a pretty healthy dent in the results.

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Then it was a big batch of 7-Layer Bars (back) and Holiday Nuggets (front) ...

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And whipped up some Cream Cheese Candy ...

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... and a batch of secret-recipe Pecan Fudge ...

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... and amidst all that, a roast with the usual fixins simmering all afternoon ('cause I knew I wouldn't feel like making supper after being out there all dayum day).

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And now just look at this! Poor baby all wiped out and snoring on the couch at 8:15! Too funny.

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If that doesn't deserve a harumph, I don't know what does. :-D

Merry Christmas ya'll! If you're in the area, stop by and I'll load you up with a plate of goodies you'll never forget.
Did you put a secret ingredient in his cookies?
Now I am really hungry...
You are great with all kinds of ovens !!!
Priority mail works for goodies also.
Yep I'm jealous. Not only does Billy get a woman that likes cars, not afraid to get her hands dirty, but makes him awesome cookies and cakes. Not to mention a nice pair of legs in heals. What a lucky fella you are Billy.
Yep I'm jealous. Not only does Billy get a woman that likes cars, not afraid to get her hands dirty, but makes him awesome cookies and cakes. Not to mention a nice pair of legs in heals. What a lucky fella you are Billy.

I couldln't have said it better myself...

You rule, Leanna...
:tonqe: They look very good, but I dont think they taste quite right, they taste alot like plastic ](*,) or maybe its just my screen
Wow, Lori just started her baking today too!! My fave is shortbread, I hope that is on her list. It all looks yummy, but ya gotta send me the recipe for the cream cheese candy!!
Looks good.
Did you use the powdercoating oven or the one in the house?
Same thing is currently going on at my house...can't wait to get home from work! Must be a regional thing because your "holiday nuggets" look just like what we called "snow balls" in VT
Yum yum.. Billy's like a little kid.. pump him up with sugar, then watch him crash haha.

When shipping baked goods, if you wrap them in foil and use plain popped pop corn for packing they arrive like they are just cool from the oven! I received a loaf of home made whole wheat bread that way and it barely got unwrapped before it began to dissapear!:blob: You can test this out on some you send to me!!!!!:lol: