URGENT!! Prayer requests needed HORRIBLE WRECK



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
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North Central Oklahoma
My neice Kim and her husband van were involved in a serious car wreck in Texas and she is being Life Flighted to I think Tyler Texas. We have been told that part of her right toes/foot have been severed off, legs broken and massive internal injuries. Van has a crushed a stermum and other injuries that I am not recalling right now and is being transported by ambulance. They would not let Van see Kim so things are real sketchy. Kim's mother Sue was at my house in Stillwater Oklahoma when the news came. She is in poor health with lung and heart conditions. Thank God the other sister that Sue lives with was here so they are headed back to Tulsa to meet Kim's brother and will be headed to Texas.

Please pray for Kim and Sue becuase this is life threatening for both of them. Pray for Kim's husband Van also.

I will post more details as I get them but it is a six hour drive to get to Tulsa and to Tyler Texas so I don't expect any updates for a while unless one of them don't make it.
I just found out that there was a third girl named Mandy in the car and I know nothing about her condition so please add her to the prayer list.
Oh bill you got them my friend If theres any thing i can do ask man . I will be prayin for them .. God will look over you all . You have my number man feel free to use it
sorry to hear this terrible news but praying for the best, hopefuly a speedy recovery
Prayers sent

Thank You.

Oh bill you got them my friend If theres any thing i can do ask man . I will be prayin for them .. God will look over you all . You have my number man feel free to use it

Asa, God just needs to look over them. I am real afraid that Sue make stroke out or have a heart attack before they get there. She is on part time oxygen already and can't afford a mobile unit so that means she will be without all the way to Texas. Luckily Sue's son Mike (Kim's brother) is a well trained EMT and he is the one taking her to Tyler. I have real confidence in his ability but God is in control.

Prayers Sent for a complete recovery.

Thank You.
Bill I am sorry to heat this. My prayers for Kim,Van,Mandy and your whole family for strength and for healing and prayers for the Doctors for guidance.
Thank You.

Asa, God just needs to look over them. I am real afraid that Sue make stroke out or have a heart attack before they get there. She is on part time oxygen already and can't afford a mobile unit so that means she will be without all the way to Texas. Luckily Sue's son Mike (Kim's brother) is a well trained EMT and he is the one taking her to Tyler. I have real confidence in his ability but God is in control.

Thank You.
Bill dont worry god has them in his arms
These are pictures of the accident scene and this is Kim's vehicle.
It was hit by a Ford Taurus.

Lord God I ask thatyou hold Kim, Van and Mandy in your hand and guide the doctors in there efforts to help these three recover from there injurys. Let there recovery be such that all who see it praise your name. Amen.
Prayers sent for all involved and to there families, and to the doctors doing there jobs
Prayers for all the folks awaiting to hear the updates to stay in prayer and be humble
with faith.
UPDATE: Kim is still in surgery. She does have a ruptured bladder and that is all we know so far. No news on Van or Mandy other then their injuries aren't life threatning.

Sue and Mike are still somewhere in Oklahoma so they are hours out.

Bladder was apparently wrong.... she has ruptured intestines is the latest word. 9:25 CST and we still have no one there yet so the updates are coming from Van.