Quitting smoking.


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I am into my 3rd day with no smokes. I gotta tell you, the SUCK-O-METER has been pegged for all 3 days but so far I am winning. I also decided not to drink for the first little while as I know that if I got into the beer, I would really want a smoke and my willpower might be a little soft then.
In case you are wondering, I have smoked a pack a day for 44 years.:wack:

Good for you man ! the first couple weeks are tough , but get past that and it gets much easier. think of the 6 bucks a day you are saving , plus you will feel so much better ! great job, dont give up even though you are a quitter ! LOL
Keep it up, Im not unfamiliar with battles with addiction and how difficult it can be. Good luck to you & be cautious of cross addiction.
Good for you man ! the first couple weeks are tough , but get past that and it gets much easier. think of the 6 bucks a day you are saving , plus you will feel so much better ! great job, dont give up even though you are a quitter ! LOL

Around here they are $10 a pack or more depending on where you buy them. I sure do hope it gets easier. I went for a long drive today, I have always smoked more when I drive or drink, it was a tough day.

The next thing to do on my lifestyles changes list, Jack. Hang in there, buddy. You've got this.
I didn't know VDO made suck-o-meters!!! LOL

I went cold turkey about 7 years ago and never turned back. You can do it, it is not easy. You have to change some habits that make you think of smoking-drinking, coffee . I will say this it was one of the best things I have done!
Few hints-drink alot of water-not soda
Take some long walks, toss out all lightersr also those smokes you have hinding, becuase if you you have them, you will want one.
Find something to do with you hands & mind-put a model together or read a book.
The first 3 days are the worst
I went cold turkey about 7 years ago and never turned back. You can do it, it is not easy. You have to change some habits that make you think of smoking-drinking, coffee . I will say this it was one of the best things I have done!
Few hints-drink alot of water-not soda
Take some long walks, toss out all lightersr also those smokes you have hinding, becuase if you you have them, you will want one.
Find something to do with you hands & mind-put a model together or read a book.
The first 3 days are the worst

This is good advice... I found keeping a bottle of water on me, especially in the car helped numb the cravings by giving me something to do instead
good job jack i got 6 weeks in now and i found my morning coffee without a smoke is the hardest and of course saturday night rum.

It's very tough. No one knows how sh***y it really is. I'm three years nicotine free. I quit because they were $7 a pack then; RIGHT NOW in life I'm grateful that it was kicked (after 15-20 attempts in three years) for MY HEALTH.

Anyone think what cancer care can cost in ten or twenty years?

I'm trying to get it through to my mom that beer EVERYDAY is no bueno for the liver and makes it real difficult to fight off lung cancer cells from pack-a-day life-style... Good thing there's medical insurance, I guess :sad7:
The other day, I was in a bar talking to this woman, and she asked me if I smoked after sex. I replied, "I don't know, I've never looked...."
Best of luck to you Jack.....Never smoked but my family did, my mother told me that quitting was the easy part.....the hard part was keeping it that way.......
I am into my 3rd day with no smokes. I gotta tell you, the SUCK-O-METER has been pegged for all 3 days but so far I am winning. I also decided not to drink for the first little while as I know that if I got into the beer, I would really want a smoke and my willpower might be a little soft then.
In case you are wondering, I have smoked a pack a day for 44 years.:wack:

* Glad to hear you are trying to quit! I did it 15 years ago and never loooked back! Good for you Jack! Keep it up..
I haven't had a drag in 4 years. Used to smoke 2 packs a day. Something that really helped me when I quit was mint toothpicks. I'd always have one of those hangin' out of my mouth instead of a cigarette. I still reach for a toothpick when I get stressed out. Good luck!!!
The other day, I was in a bar talking to this woman, and she asked me if I smoked after sex. I replied, "I don't know, I've never looked...."


"i know i want one, but i'm not gonna do it"...............this is what i said to myself when i was weak...........it also helped if i said it in front of a friend or loved one.........u can do it man..........
its a tough fight but u can win .3yrs.for me after 40yrs of smoking still miss them.
i know u hunt it will help u in that aspeck.
don't give in stay bushy, when the erge hits get bushy.
good luck.
I quit 11 days ago...Cold turkey and will never smoke again...Been smoking a pack a day for 39 years,I wonder when that urge to smoke will go away....Good luck to you,Jack...only you can do it for you !!!
Good luck Jack! Keep visiting this thread daily as a support mechanism. Toothpicks might help as well......ya know....the oral fixation LOL
Thanks for all the encouraging words. They are helpful. And you others that are in the process of going smoke free, hang in there and we will all get through this together.

I wonder if we can get this thread stickied for a while so others can use it for inspiration.

I will admit it is tuff for smokers like us, it's a monkey see monkey do problem for me.......... And like you as soon as I get out in the car it's a first
thing to think about, Positive thoughts that you are smarter then we was when we started these damned things......:banghead:..... It is easy when you are around people that don't smoke, I come home on Thursday night never to smoke one for 4 hours because know one in our little ol band I enjoy
smokes. :thumleft: but when I get home I can smell it in the house :banghead:

Hot showers and keep honey next to you will help detoxify your need for this **** that has been thrown at us.... 3 days and staying strong :cheers:

Don't let anyone fool you it is tuff even after a few months when you get around friends drinking and smoking, but this can and have lead them to fallow and quit also :smile:
so you will be doing a great service to some of the folks around you..

You are a tuff ol dog :cheers: so remember you are smarter then to continue smoking these wallet and lung busters :cheers:

I bet I have lit one up over 200 times in the past few months just to kick the fire off of them because I do not want one...

Stay strong and look at the big picture my Canadian friend :happy1: