Do you beleave in Aliens ?

I've always believed it would be extremely egotistical to believe that we are the only "intelligent" beings in the vastness of the universe. Heaven knows mankind is generally egotistical, but believing we are the only life in all of space just goes too far.
On the practical side, as said by others, mathmatically the probability is there has to be other intelligent life somewhere.

Now if you meant the other type of aliens, being a Southern California native I know for a fact there are aliens from everywhere - not just from south of the border. I see them and their impact everyday - and not just outside of Home Depot!
This is why I have a hard time with religion (this discusion)

God made man in his image
God only ever did this work here? on this one planet of billions?
What are the chances that intelligent life only exists on this planet?
If God mad man in his image, then would aliens be made by a different God?
If everything in existance was made by God, does this means that if there are aliens they also look like us? or do they look different than we do and are called something other than man, or human?

I'll stop there, but this could go on for a LONG time.
This is why I have a hard time with religion (this discusion)

God made man in his image
God only ever did this work here? on this one planet of billions?
What are the chances that intelligent life only exists on this planet?
If God mad man in his image, then would aliens be made by a different God?
If everything in existance was made by God, does this means that if there are aliens they also look like us? or do they look different than we do and are called something other than man, or human?

I'll stop there, but this could go on for a LONG time.

Here's another way of looking at the Big Bang Theory:

God said "BANG"! ;)
"um, you know evolution is proven right? The only reason its not the "fact of evolution" is because of the method. IE: by natural selection. And you simply have a misunderstanding of how it works."

Ummm you know evolution is only proven in very simple creatures and has not been seen in any evidence in more developed animals like mamals.
lol who says they dont look like us lol I aint ever meet one lol
but theyve been here checking us out , why didnt they just knock on doors and introduce themselves , and why do they like kansas so much

you ever notice how UFO's have evolved right along with our technology
but theyve been here checking us out , why didnt they just knock on doors and introduce themselves , and why do they like kansas so much

you ever notice how UFO's have evolved right along with our technology
yes i have and who knows you could be one lol
Some can even be upset, stay clear of these Asa


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"um, you know evolution is proven right? The only reason its not the "fact of evolution" is because of the method. IE: by natural selection. And you simply have a misunderstanding of how it works."

Ummm you know evolution is only proven in very simple creatures and has not been seen in any evidence in more developed animals like mamals.

Not true, We've witnessed speciation in birds. The problem is that people who are in denial about evolution, want to see an animal grow a horn or wings or some other nonsense with no understanding that evolution happens incredibly slow and simpler animals evolve faster. So we will witness more changes with the simpler creatures
Nope, no Klingons, Vulcans, or Romulans. No Men in Black monitoring alien activity here on earth. No Cylons hunting down the human race. No Minbari.

Could God have recreated elsewhere the conditions that support life here? I can only say that it is His universe and if He did, and I don't believe He did, but ...IF...He did, He has no obligation to tell us.

The scientific community has mostly discredited the theory of evolution based on what we do know about the basic laws of physics and science, that all matter tends to move from a state of stability to a state of chaos. For evolution to have any validity, matter would have to move from a state of chaos to a state of stability, and thus contradict all known scientific laws and principles. Tens of thousands of scientists the world over support this position.
Nope, no Klingons, Vulcans, or Romulans. No Men in Black monitoring alien activity here on earth. No Cylons hunting down the human race. No Minbari.

Could God have recreated elsewhere the conditions that support life here? I can only say that it is His universe and if He did, and I don't believe He did, but ...IF...He did, He has no obligation to tell us.

The scientific community has mostly discredited the theory of evolution based on what we do know about the basic laws of physics and science, that all matter tends to move from a state of stability to a state of chaos. For evolution to have any validity, matter would have to move from a state of chaos to a state of stability, and thus contradict all known scientific laws and principles. Tens of thousands of scientists the world over support this position.
I agree