Do you beleave in Aliens ?

if "WE" discovered life on another planet, you can bet we would at least stop in and say hi instead of shoving things up their pooper
if "WE" dicovered life on another planet, you can bet we would at least stop in and say hi instead of shoving things up their pooper
I dont know bout that lmao there are some kinky peps out there lol Some say they have been doing that to us so are they kinky ?
Here is more on the Bell if you are interested.

Yes and furthermore I believe we are kind of like an experiment, these creator beings are keeping us like a beekeeper keeps bees.
Ok, here goes.
I am not a religious person, but more of a scientific minded person.
This causes me to wonder the same thing (Could we be just an expiriment?)
Is it possible that the entity we call God is some being that seeded the planet for expirimental purposes?
What if this entity decides to dump the contents of our existance and start over?

One possibility,
This entity comes back to earth some day and says to us,
"I created you and left you here to take care of this planet and to live together peacefully in the process".
"Your ONE and ONLY job was to co exist with the other humans to be the keepers of this world and you have done everything in your power to ruin it and kill each other!"
"You are all DONE, and I am starting over.
thanks for the link I beleave in god but i dont want this to turn in to that kind of thread ..
Ok, here goes.
I am not a religious person, but more of a scientific minded person.
This causes me to wonder the same thing (Could we be just an expiriment?)
Is it possible that the entity we call God is some being that seeded the planet for expirimental purposes?
What if this entity decides to dump the contents of our existance and start over?

One possibility,
This entity comes back to earth some day and says to us,
"I created you and left you here to take care of this planet and to live together peacefully in the process".
"Your ONE and ONLY job was to co exist with the other humans to be the keepers of this world and you have done everything in your power to ruin it and kill each other!"
"You are all DONE, and I am starting over.

interesting and food for thought. im not religious either and believe in facts not stories, but i do know one thing, if or when they decide to let us know whats going , i wont be around to see it , unless it happens pretty quick LOL
interesting and food for thought. im not religious either and believe in facts not stories, but i do know one thing, if or when they decide to let us know whats going , i wont be around to see it , unless it happens pretty quick LOL
you dieing on me ?
We can't be the only intelligent? life form, considering the billions of stars.

There is intelligence but it aint here. I'm a firm believer that they are watching us but only for the entertainment just like we watch TV.
They dont care how it ends so they dont manipulate events here.
If they did have a hand in the initial failure of our Hubble Telescope it was because we were about to see something we shouldn't. That small correctable error might have provided them additional time to complete their safeguards.
They dont dare reveal themselves because we cant handle the truth. Besides, Our ignorance is what make us entertaining to them.
I Beleave:
We are only products of evolution.
The unexplained U.F.O.'s is nothing but experimental crafts of flight.
If we think that we are being visited by aliens from another planet that takes light years
of flight as we know it to get here, then you better hide.
There technology and advancement would be so superior to us, there intent would to be to require our resources, not to check out our Mopar's

Sometime's I think the government is ran by a bunch of aliens.:D

Without a doubt!

I Beleave:
We are only products of evolution.
The unexplained U.F.O.'s is nothing but experimental crafts of flight.
If we think that we are being visited by aliens from another planet that takes light years
of flight as we know it to get here, then you better hide.
There technology and advancement would be so superior to us, there intent would to be to require our resources, not to check out our Mopar's


As long as they leave the fossil fuel and mopars I'm cool with it...
I believe that somewhere in the vastness, there has to be

But I recently heard a report that confirmable UFO sightings have gone almost to zero. "They" attribute this to all the numbers of cameras everywhere, both private, public, surveillance and others, that "would have caught something" if it exists
I Beleave:
We are only products of evolution.
The unexplained U.F.O.'s is nothing but experimental crafts of flight.
If we think that we are being visited by aliens from another planet that takes light years
of flight as we know it to get here, then you better hide.
There technology and advancement would be so superior to us, there intent would to be to require our resources, not to check out our Mopar's


I could never believe we evolved from lesser species. Those others have too many attributes that we dont have. Why would we forfiet the ability to fly, see well in the dark, or hold our breath for extended periods ? Those are only 3 examples of the many abilities we lost along the way.
Bargaining in evloution ? We traded our tail for a longer ***** than the ape has? ROFL
I'm scared.....:glasses7:


  • toy-story-3-aliens.jpg
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Well do you ? I dont know .. But with how much is out there the odds are good there real

well mathematically there have to be planets with life....which would be aliens. But in the sense of "aliens that visited earth"...nope.
How about these?


    43.5 KB · Views: 125
I could never believe we evolved from lesser species. Those others have too many attributes that we dont have. Why would we forfiet the ability to fly, see well in the dark, or hold our breath for extended periods ? Those are only 3 examples of the many abilities we lost along the way.
Bargaining in evloution ? We traded our tail for a longer ***** than the ape has? ROFL

um, you know evolution is proven right? The only reason its not the "fact of evolution" is because of the method. IE: by natural selection. And you simply have a misunderstanding of how it works.

We never forfeited those abilities because we never had them. Animals evolve for the necessity of survival in very small incremental changes...not for the sake of whats cool.