Have you ever put something away and forgot where you put it?



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I haven't used my Snap On scanner for a while and I forgot where I put the personality keys that go with it. I should have put them back in the case but that day I was in a hurry and didn't. They are here somewhere but where the hell somewhere is I have no idea.

What have you lost that you put away for safe keeping?
I gave up trying to find my favorite paint gun . I hid it to keep my kids from playing with it . Both are grown and out of the house for 10 years now . I just bought a replacement gun 2 years ago so I could finally paint again .
Yes, I've lost my mind and can remember when I used it last. tmm
This story is the absolute truth, I swear

Some time ago I was standing in my living room talking to a friend, looked down at the little table, and there is my cell phone holster, but no cell phone.

So I'm "dam......phas####sss$*#&^@ etc" and my buddy says "whats th' matter?"

"I see my cell holster, but no phone!!"

"How many do ya need, yur talkin' ta me on ONE of em!!!"

One day I had my glasses on, WEARING them while lookin fer 'em.

Looked for a screwdriver for over 10 minutes while carryin' it around in my hand!!!

'Other day I spent 5 minutes lookin' fer them T bars and they were hangin' right in the rear sockets!!!
This story is the absolute truth, I swear

Some time ago I was standing in my living room talking to a friend, looked down at the little table, and there is my cell phone holster, but no cell phone.

So I'm "dam......phas####sss$*#&^@ etc" and my buddy says "whats th' matter?"

"I see my cell holster, but no phone!!"

"How many do ya need, yur talkin' ta me on ONE of em!!!"

One day I had my glasses on, WEARING them while lookin fer 'em.

Looked for a screwdriver for over 10 minutes while carryin' it around in my hand!!!

'Other day I spent 5 minutes lookin' fer them T bars and they were hangin' right in the rear sockets!!!

Now those are funny.
They might be funny now, but they weren't funny at the time!!!! LOL
Yeah, but usually it's because my wife moved it because she didn't like where I put it.
having said that,there is guy I work who wont leave things alone, I hid a bottle of ink because I knew he would make a mess. I have no clue where I hid that damn bottle of ink, and my stamp pad could use some.
Still looking for my spare charger key I hid from my son. now I have no key.
200 bucks to get a new one.
There are three signs of old age.
#1 Lack of memory
#2 ?
#3 ?
Guess I forgot #2 & #3
A few days ago spent an hour looking for the gtx keys before my son said what are you looking for, when I told him he says... right here on the coffee table. I'm always losing tools, everytime the son uses them.
I cant find my keys all the time ive had so many keys made to my cars over the years it aint funny I dont know where thay go off too but thay never come back
Asa,the most important keys,keys to life .Work on the Cuda,man.
its kinda scary that i been catching myself in this situation more often lately......i am finding that i get distracted really easy and forget what i was doing and spend too much time looking for stuff that was put in stupid places .....i found a ratchet in the fridge the other day and i dont even remember putting it there ....after spending a half hour looking for it, i gave up and used a different one and found the first one in the fridge later that day. hmmmmm 26 and already losing it. :wack:
its kinda scary that i been catching myself in this situation more often lately......i am finding that i get distracted really easy and forget what i was doing and spend too much time looking for stuff that was put in stupid places .....i found a ratchet in the fridge the other day and i dont even remember putting it there ....after spending a half hour looking for it, i gave up and used a different one and found the first one in the fridge later that day. hmmmmm 26 and already losing it. :wack:
ive done that lmao
I do it all the time. it's called CRS, Can't remember ****! Lately though I think I'm progressing to CRAFT, Can't remember a F#<ken' thing!
Yep I have the same problem Bill, spend more time looking for a tool/part then I do actually working on it....still havent found my 69 front "fender fish" for my cuda......
The camera that I was using in the garage has gone missing !I think I remember putting it somewhere safe while I painted some primer but can't remember where!
The camera that I was using in the garage has gone missing !I think I remember putting it somewhere safe while I painted some primer but can't remember where!
It will be in the last place you look ....... now if you find it and keep looking after that ...... You have a diff problem lol
Lost my wife, gave up looking some thing's are better not found.
The camera that I was using in the garage has gone missing !I think I remember putting it somewhere safe while I painted some primer but can't remember where!

If I have my camera with me I rarely leave it in the car. Went into one of the "thrift stores" and took it off to look at something on a low shelf and left 3 grand worth of Canon 7D lying on the shelf.

Got in the car, engine running in reverse before I realized "whut."