So, what did I miss?



Master ACME Tech
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hey kids,

It's been a bit since I've been on. A lot going on in the Hendocave.
I gave up my job in the streetrod/restoration industry and am going back to just being a wrench. The stress was literally killing me. I mean literally.

SO? What the heck ya'll been up to? Cabin fever ain't set in yet, has it? :blob:
Not much at all...been pretty slow.Oh, 1wildandcrazyguy got banned about posting a street race...
Gave up my job ,at parts. Tired of political stuff. Revmaster ,Captain Kawasaki riding ****,got banned ....
Not much at all...been pretty slow.Oh, 1wildandcrazyguy got banned about posting a street race...
Oh, I thought it was for his Palin/Obama sig? :) ooh, a little soon on the politics? There is the Fall Fling tomorrow morn, Woodly park, Van Nuys. Get yourself back in the game......Need a ride?
I wondered what happened to you ...there was a thread about you about a month ago wondering where you went.
Yo Rev,...Ain't been here much myself lately,...lotsa new faces,...

New faces are good for us. At the very least, they haven't heard our jokes before.

I just realized I'm retarded and put this in the Tech Forum section....

Not permanently I hope.
Search the S.B forums.,look for Clint Eastwood,in the avatar. Nice to see some intelligence
I wondered what happened to you ...there was a thread about you about a month ago wondering where you went.

Doin well kiddo. I just had to step back and do some re-evaluation. I finally got the job I have been fishing for since March. Trying to simplify things and keep what's important and walk from what ain't.
Doin well kiddo. I just had to step back and do some re-evaluation. I finally got the job I have been fishing for since March. Trying to simplify things and keep what's important and walk from what ain't.

a kit Kat break can always do someone good about to make the jump to hyperspace and jump the big pond and go home for my sister's wedding....whenever you leave its always nice to come back and get back into the routine :glasses7:
Martin I know He was your friend and all and im sorry to hear your friend got banned . Seems when i got banned i had only a few friends . lol But any way . If you remeber when rob got banned he was gone like a year . Some one started a thread for him to get him back on FABO and even that didnt work . There aint nothin me or you or any one but a mod/joey can do . I think i get the pm you sent me now . Cheer up my friend . Sounds like you can still talk to him with out fabo tho. I have to say i respect you for stickin up for your friend.... But as many understood when it happend to me .... there aint no point but to show that member you are behind him . So if you keep talkin bout it hopein it will change there mind my friend its not going to work . But only if to show him your behind him then keep it up . But think bout what you post man if you go to far with this we will be missin you too and i dont want that martin .
Welcome back bud, I have a new job as well, I am building cabinets now
(residential, commercial stuff) so I have not been on as much. Glad to see you back and I wish you the best!

BTW, the tunnel ram is still on my work bench getting dusty...but I promise it will be on my 340 soon :glasses7:
Welcome back bud, I have a new job as well, I am building cabinets now
(residential, commercial stuff) so I have not been on as much. Glad to see you back and I wish you the best!

BTW, the tunnel ram is still on my work bench getting dusty...but I promise it will be on my 340 soon :glasses7:
All talk ! Lets see it ive been wating to see that for ummmm. What year is this lmao
Martin I know He was your friend and all and im sorry to hear your friend got banned . Seems when i got banned i had only a few friends . lol But any way . If you remeber when rob got banned he was gone like a year . Some one started a thread for him to get him back on FABO and even that didnt work . There aint nothin me or you or any one but a mod/joey can do . I think i get the pm you sent me now . Cheer up my friend . Sounds like you can still talk to him with out fabo tho. I have to say i respect you for stickin up for your friend.... But as many understood when it happend to me .... there aint no point but to show that member you are behind him . So if you keep talkin bout it hopein it will change there mind my friend its not going to work . But only if to show him your behind him then keep it up . But think bout what you post man if you go to far with this we will be missin you too and i dont want that martin .
Maybe I should just talk about what you are about? But out and you let it go !!!