


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Went shopping with the Boss yesterday...Orange/purple/green hair, pj bottoms, slippers...parents letting there brats run rampant thru the stores......what the hell is up with folks now-a-days? Panhandlers on 3 out of 4 corners of intersections....See one guy every time we go to town...always the same sign....Will Work....damn it dude, then why aint you? You mean to tell me in the 4 years or so I have been seeing you standing out there you aint found any sort of job? He is often on the corner of my head docs office....which means he uses the rest rooms in this building....head doc has said you can smell the booze from 10 feet....Spokane just passed an ordinance, it is illegal for folks to step into the road to get money form people....Seen it being enforced the other day....can't help but wonder if THAT fine will ever get collected...Rant off.....
Went shopping with the Boss yesterday...Orange/purple/green hair, pj bottoms, slippers...parents letting there brats run rampant thru the stores......what the hell is up with folks now-a-days? Panhandlers on 3 out of 4 corners of intersections....See one guy every time we go to town...always the same sign....Will Work....damn it dude, then why aint you? You mean to tell me in the 4 years or so I have been seeing you standing out there you aint found any sort of job? He is often on the corner of my head docs office....which means he uses the rest rooms in this building....head doc has said you can smell the booze from 10 feet....Spokane just passed an ordinance, it is illegal for folks to step into the road to get money form people....Seen it being enforced the other day....can't help but wonder if THAT fine will ever get collected...Rant off.....
don`t say much for their parents either!!!!!!!
My wife and I always used to talk about opening a restaurant that was just for adults. No kids allowed.
Just some place that adults could go and have a nice quiet dinner, without the noise of kids screaming and jumping around everywhere.

Always wanted to do it, but if we did, you know it would only be a couple months before some parents started whining about discrimination because they cant bring their brats with them.
"Spokane just passed an ordinance, it is illegal for folks to step into the road to get money form people...."

They should do the same thing in Seattle.
My big problem with Spokramento is that the city and police let downtown get really out of control, not that I go down there. There has been several robberies and beatings, all by young hoodlums running around the downtown area. East Sprague has always been an area where you really didn't wanna be at sunset, and even in daylight, maybe didn't want to be "off Sprague" very many feet.

Yet crap like the "artwork" in the city parks and city hall seems to be continuing OK............

The panhandlers ARE working..........that's their JOB. I think it was channel 4 did an expose on that and some of them make pretty fair money doing that. Probably most are not homeless, and they most certainly are not penniless
Try walking through down town Orlando. During Christmas we walking through town, to a restaurant. We were asked for money 11 times. While we were seated at our table outside of the restaurant, anther half dozen panhandlers leaned over the railing to ask for money.

...and when you refuse politely, they get argumentative about it. Remember, a night in jail to them is a hot meal and a warm dry bed. (3 Hots and a cot).
Its always good for a story when you let them tell you what they need the money for! I will always give a dollar or two if a panhandler just comes clean and says "I just need to get me a 40"!! That I can handle, the BS ramble kings get nothing, although their story's are sometimes very entertaining!! Geof
Back in the early 90s, I had a guy that would work for me during the winter and he would panhandle during the summer. Back then he said his daily take was $200 to $300. He was one of the best carpenters I ever saw too. When winter set in here he came and I was glad to have him.
My wife and I always used to talk about opening a restaurant that was just for adults. No kids allowed.
Just some place that adults could go and have a nice quiet dinner, without the noise of kids screaming and jumping around everywhere.

Always wanted to do it, but if we did, you know it would only be a couple months before some parents started whining about discrimination because they cant bring their brats with them.

We have them all over here , it's call a bar
When bums hit me up for "spare change", I loudly and RUDELY bellow "GET A JOB". They usually mumble and walk off....
Denver has the same type of problem. I do understand that without a fixed address most places will not hire you. I look at some of them and I see jeans that are clean, not torn or stained, shoes in good shape, etc. I want to shout get a job so bad. I also know that a few are homeless and would work if they could. Is really a complex problem and doesn't have a one answer fix.
Still I hate seeing them asking for me to just give them the money I work for.
Panhandlers in Las Vegas make about 100 grand a year.Local newsman went out and made $800 in one day. The pros do even better.
I had a guy hit me up for money At a gas station one day. I turned him down so he goes to each person at the pumps, gets a few dollars, walks a Ross the parking lot and gets in a gold edition Lexus.

I watched one report where the panhandler says he makes $60,000.00 per year.
I told my son one day we are gonna go stand On the corner and see how much money we could get.

My sign would read "don't want a job...just beer money".
Plus they don't pay taxes on their 'donations' which the law requires!:wack:

My wife likes to hand them food when they ask for money and then watch them throw it on the ground saying they want to buy their own food! Well I want them to buy their own food too, just not with my money.:violent1:
Sensitivity training. Mine was getting my *** beat when I messed up! I really believe that the society today will not let people be individuals, trophy's for all, no child left behind, Kids reporting parents for stupid things when they do not get there way, generations of welfare, why work? If they drug tested people on public assistance and took it away for a positive things will change, yes crime would go up for a while but it would give citizens those things bulls have. Thanks for pointing it out inkjunky. What I did for panhandlers when I used to go overseas was bring back a ton of worthless change IE Turkish aluminum coins that were not even worth a penny and throw about 7-8 into the intersection when the light was about to change and watch them scramble for the free money. I am surprised it is not on u tube. I hope someone prays for my heathen soul!
Look guys....I am a poor working man that struggles to make ends meet and I pay my taxes...can any of you spare a car that is done. I would really like it to be Hemi powered but I would settle for a warmed over 440. Any color will do because I don't want to seem ungrateful and particular. Don't worry about delivery I can drive it home
Victoria having such mild winters is the destination of choice for panhandlers , at one point Alberta was putting welfare bums on buses to BC for free , can't walk down some downtown blocks without getting asked every 50 feet . There is a bylaw prohibiting aggressive panhandling which is supposed to prevent them from asking , yeah right ,the city licenses entertainers for like 20 bucks a year so they can basically panhandle unhindered in certain spots around downtown , I like to dig in my pocket , count my change then tell them "no sorry the bank gave me exactly what was on the check , nothing extra " , being 6'2" 240 helps when doing this lol , after 9 years living in the downtown area you get to know a lot of them , the young blond gal with the dreads sometimes gets a buck from me for having a funny sign like " not hungry just need weed" or " If I had a buck for everyone who ignored me today I could stay home the rest of the week " , and there is a young fella in his 20s who worked for the same general contractor as me but they let him go because he has epilepsy and could be left on a slab alone for fear of him having a seizure , he is the exception tho because I saw him beg for his job . I willingly help him any way I can with referrals for side jobs etc ... because he will work his butt off and is a darn fine concrete finisher inspite of the substance problem he has developed since having the doors of opportunity slammed in his face .The rest are pretty much all petty junky scammers pretending to be stranded tourists/travelers every day for 9 years wears thin .
Sis came to visit last weekend, so I took her out to eat. She like Mexican, so I took her to a new one, we hadn't tried yet. Hostess seated us, in one of the portioned off rooms, with a family, containing 4 bratty kids. Acted up the whole time we were there. Why in the world, would you seat 2 people in their 60's in that environment. Don't get me wrong, we are both grandparents, and love kids. We do take our grandchildren out to eat on occasion, (2-6 yo) and they do not act that way. It's not allowed. Our dining experience was miserable, and I will not go back. By the way, the food was excellent.
I've been hit up with the gas station thing a few times too.
It's usually a sob story about how they pumped gas but realized they don't have money to pay or they have to get to the Dr with a sick kid. Blah, blah,blah. Usually a quick peek of whats stashed under jacket and they split.
The other day at taco bell, some guy rode up on a bike and asked for a $1 for bus fare. I asked him if that was his bike, he better get peddling.
I've been hit up with the gas station thing a few times too.
It's usually a sob story about how they pumped gas but realized they don't have money to pay or they have to get to the Dr with a sick kid. Blah, blah,blah. Usually a quick peek of whats stashed under jacket and they split.
The other day at taco bell, some guy rode up on a bike and asked for a $1 for bus fare. I asked him if that was his bike, he better get peddling.
I carry a used .45 bullet thats filled with sand and a new hollow point on the end. Everytime someone asks me for change, I pull that bullet and $.27 ( 3 nickels, 1 dime, and 2 pennies) out of the same pocket. One look at that bullet and they're gone before I can say "you forgot your change!" :twisted: