Gunman at Canadian Parliament

latest word i saw is they have him surrounded he's on the roof of a building in sight of parliment now. they have K-9 units on the scene
Turns out to be two or three gunman! One gunman dead, another fled on a motorcycle. Reports of shots at a Hotel nearby though. Whether that was the Second gunman or a third (the Hotel is where all the people from Parliament stay) is unclear at this time.
[ame=""]Footage from Globe reporter captures exchange of gun fire in Parliament Hill building - YouTube[/ame]
I'll be dammed. All those laws against guns DON'T prevent murder, do they?

Pretty cowardly act, all around
Thought civilians couldn't own handguns in Canada? Or were these long guns? Either way, you take away the guns from law abiding people, only criminals will own them!
Thought civilians couldn't own handguns in Canada? Or were these long guns? Either way, you take away the guns from law abiding people, only criminals will own them!

Exactly. So sad for the soldier's family.
I hope the offenders are all killed rather than coddled in the justice system. Not likely of course.
last word is the soldier is still alive. a security guard inside parliament was shot also, and has survived. one shooter was neutralized inside parliament, and one is on the loose, maybe two. they have several square blocks on total lockdown and are using K9's to sweep.

nvm the soldier was just announced to have died :(
:protest:It is frieakin sick that anyone can just do this . I agree in a sense of gun control but how many law abiding people register there arms and then do this????????not to flippin many. Cowards are what they are......I hope they are caught and killed. More money spent in this dam country protecting worthless criminals who take the rights away and also violate the rights of good people. Then sit in a cell to what????Be better people when they get out. Give me a freakin brake. Get rid of some of these dick heads and save some dam money,spend on things we really need, health care, education kids nutrition and so on. I know for a fact someone in Ontario that's a in patient at the hospital is neglected as in food...6.00 / patient per meal is spent. Instatutionalized, to be a better person who has killed,maimed,violated someone get my point its a staggering triple amount. Give em some rocks to braek up and some dam mush to eat. Its like staying at a hotel as far as im concerned.........when you compare a lot of those who aren't as fortunate as others. Sorry JUST REALLY PISSED
:protest:It is frieakin sick that anyone can just do this . I agree in a sense of gun control but how many law abiding people register there arms and then do this????????not to flippin many.

Gun Control doesn't help anything. It ties the hands of legal gun owners. Ban ever single gun and the criminals will still have them.

This is why I support Concealed/Open Carry. A single civilian with a gun could have stopped this within minutes.

Did you know the soldier who was shot was unarmed?

This whole thing boils my blood! Report all terrorists dead to the public but keep one alive for "interrogation" purposes....
that guy shot an unarmed guard (canada has a tomb of the unknown soldier there, no ammo it's supposed to be a solemn place) in the back...

and another "brave" palestinian terrorist in jerusalem today ran over a bunch of people with a car and killed a 3 month old baby, injured 7 others.
Thought civilians couldn't own handguns in Canada? Or were these long guns? Either way, you take away the guns from law abiding people, only criminals will own them!

You live that close to Canada yet you are that ignorant of reality ! thats some education system you folks got there . As we have discussed many times before here Canadians are not prevented from owning guns ,we are just required to show that we know how to handle them safely via a licensing process , just because we don't sell them at yard sales and walmart doesn't mean we can't and don't have them , come **** around in my yard and see how big the hole is that I put in your dumb *** .

These guys are going to be Muslim just like the *** hat that ran down the 2 soldiers the other day , Thanks for dragging us into Americas bullshit Harper . At least they aren`t attacking schools and movie theaters , not many Canadians would cry if they got loose inside the House of Parliament and took out several dozen Politicians , probably just the ones whose MP`s survived would shed a tear eh !
You live that close to Canada

Allright come ON enough already. Hell I can't quote you the differences in gun laws---some of them extreme--between the states. I don't have any reason to go up N and don't know and don't care what goes on. Besides, these change all the time.

According to Joe Biden, all "we" need is a double 12ga, jus' stand on the porch and make noise with it

[ame=""]Vice President Biden's Shotgun Instruction - YouTube[/ame]
Here's a thought. Americans are your friends. Save your pissy attitude for the Muslim terrorists.
The Terrorist group by the name of ISIS tweeted a picture of the shooter and even identified the shooter to the world. That same ISIS twitter account was followed by the guy who ran over the two soldiers, killing one of them. So these two incidents are connected.

Not to mention, both of these guys were on the RCMP watch list and both had their passports revoked by the Canadian Government.
You can have an opinion if you want about our gun laws, but Cannucky is right we CAN own guns. Hand guns are extremely difficult to be licensed to carry. In my opinion this has sweet jack **** all to do with gun laws!
What a joke, both the US and Canada have war memorials to all War Veterans, and these are "guarded"....guarded being a fuckin joke. Those guns they carry are bullets!! It is an honor and they guard them with pride and they dont get a single fuckin bullet??
The "security guards" inside the Legislature...yep "rentacops" NO guns!
Close these fuckin borders down!! NOW. Oh ya all week on the news they have been preaching about all the new "Canadian" citizens just got sworn in...WHAT A FUCKIN JOKE!!
It is soooo disheartening to see our House of Commons filled with members of Parliament that are immigrants...this country is doomed.

They say the shooter is/was "Canadian".....not in my eyes...f-n sand cricket!

Rip Nathan Cirillo


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Not that what I think matters, I don't believe ANY guard, civilian, military, or police should ever be allowed or required to carry an UNloaded weapon
Not that what I think matters, I don't believe ANY guard, civilian, military, or police should ever be allowed or required to carry an UNloaded weapon

Well, what you think might not matter, but it makes a hell of a lot of sense.