Who was it on here was defending drunk



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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drivers, because I just don' wanna hear it. "We" put up with the "goat trail" hiway 95 N for most of my life, and now that they have FINALLY got most of it upgraded to divided 4 lanes, some ******** drunk managed to head on, and killed a father and his two daughters. The "noose" says his BA was three times the legal limit, .255. Limit is .08 here in N ID

Three counts of manslaughter




Not me.

I got rear ended by one of those guys almost 30 years ago...

If I'm driving, I only will have 2 drinks max.... Not worth a DUI...
Never , my aunt and cousin were killed a few years back in FLA by some drunk puke , forget the sentence he got but it was a long time . Hit my cousins mercedes at over 100 mph going the wrong way on 95 . I don't drink if I drive
Never , my aunt and cousin were killed a few years back in FLA by some drunk puke , forget the sentence he got but it was a long time . Hit my cousins mercedes at over 100 mph going the wrong way on 95 . I don't drink if I drive

This also happens to be a highway named "95"

In the greater Spokane / N Idaho area there's been several fatal crashes in the last week or two. Very disturbing.
If I have ONE beer, I don't drive. PERIOD.
Agreed, before we go out, my wife and I decide which of us is the dedicated driver. No exceptions.

Be well,
There was knuckle head in News and politics saying it was the most prosecuted victimless crime. I think he must have been drunk.
I will say this. It seems like law enforcement tries really hard to give DUIs out sometimes.

I have a good friend whose wife was having dizziness while driving. She is a cancer patient and on lots of meds. She KNEW she was in trouble. when she finally got the car safely off the road, there was a GSP behind her with the lights on.

They cuffed her, stuffed her and took her to jail charged with DUI. She refused a breath test and was asking for an ambulance the whole time.

3500 dollars later, her record is expunged, but she still had to go through all that "BS". And she was never seen by a doctor until my friend got her out later that night and took her to the ER where her blood pressure was stroke level.

It's all a big money grab sometimes, instead of trying to keep the roads safe.

All that said, no way do I condone drunk driving and I think the license should be permanently revoked on the first offense. Over and out.
I will say this. It seems like law enforcement tries really hard to give DUIs out sometimes.

I have a good friend whose wife was having dizziness while driving.

I agree. I'm sure any of us getting older worry about this sort of thing. I don't even drive at night, anymore, except on more familiar roads. I would never "be" in say the wilds of Montana after dark, anymore, "on the road.
Drunk driving will never stop.If the state wants to really stop it quit selling alcohol.Oh but they
would lose all that money
There was knuckle head in News and politics saying it was the most prosecuted victimless crime. I think he must have been drunk.

Ding, ding, ding!

The way he defended DUI makes you wonder how many times he'd been convicted.

It's all a big money grab sometimes, instead of trying to keep the roads safe.


X1000... Drunk driving should get you rope, no question, but who in the hell picked .08 as the one and only magic number that makes you 'unable to safely drive'. Can a person drive after two beers or is he drunk and dangerous?? I'd much rather be riding my motorcycle next to a 50 yr man who's had 2 beesr than an 18 year old with a cell phone...
There was knuckle head in News and politics saying it was the most prosecuted victimless crime. I think he must have been drunk.

More selective interpretation from a cast member of the band of merry idiots in the N&P forum. I did not condone the act. I condemned the system that's turned this into a money grab under the facade of public safety. I've condemned the machine that has done nothing to alleviate the numbers and the fatalities. I've condemned the system that continues to repeat the act over and over and over expecting a different result. I've pointed to the fact that the current system is not working and has ruined more lives than it's saved. I've pointed to numbers and facts which you children could not counter, nor did you even try. If they wanted to stop drunk driving they would, but they don't. And for the record, I don't drink.
as far as I'm concerned he should be tried with three counts of premeditated murder and if convicted get the death penalty
Not me.

I got rear ended by one of those guys almost 30 years ago...

If I'm driving, I only will have 2 drinks max.... Not worth a DUI...

2 drinks IS a DUI, if consumed and jump right in and drive. Not saying you can't drive well after two, but you couldn't pass a breathalyzer.

I don't hardly drink, but when I do I definitely DO NOT drive! It ain't worth it, it would cost me big time!

I have had the opprotunity to take a few of them off the road in my travels.

The last guy was on 196 coming out of Grand Rapids, he passed me and was all over the road, dove to the side and hit something blowing out one of his tires. I stopped my truck and called 911 to report it, then I got out to pretend to assist him. He was a very jolly drunk, he even rolled down the bank off the side of the road, TWICE. So, I grabbed his keys out of the ignition and opened the trunk so he could get the spare out. The keys ended up in my pocket until the State Popo got there, I handed them the keys, they thanked me and was cuffin' and stuffin' him when I left.
as far as I'm concerned he should be tried with three counts of premeditated murder

Pretty much. Unless those drinks tied him down, forced open his mouth, poured themselves in, dragged him into his car, and made him drive, he chose to drink and then drive. The completely predictable results cannot be called an "accident".
Yup. And just like the alcohol industry and their lobbyists worked for years to stave off drunk-driving laws with teeth, the cellphone industry has been working hard (and effectively) the same way. All these "hands-free only" laws are a useless goose chase; driving impairment at the cognitive level comes from having a conversation with someone not physically present. If you're holding a phone and dialling or texting or futzing with apps, that's even worse because now there's impairment from physical and gaze distraction, too (your eyes and your hands join your mind in being somewhere other than on the driving task), but that does not mean it's OK as long as your hands and eyes aren't on your phone.
2 drinks IS a DUI, if consumed and jump right in and drive. Not saying you can't drive well after two, but you couldn't pass a breathalyzer.

I don't hardly drink, but when I do I definitely DO NOT drive! It ain't worth it, it would cost me big time!

I have had the opprotunity to take a few of them off the road in my travels.

The last guy was on 196 coming out of Grand Rapids, he passed me and was all over the road, dove to the side and hit something blowing out one of his tires. I stopped my truck and called 911 to report it, then I got out to pretend to assist him. He was a very jolly drunk, he even rolled down the bank off the side of the road, TWICE. So, I grabbed his keys out of the ignition and opened the trunk so he could get the spare out. The keys ended up in my pocket until the State Popo got there, I handed them the keys, they thanked me and was cuffin' and stuffin' him when I left.

Great story,
I was on a motorcycle ride one time last bike as usual because I rub snuff and spit, and a guy riding in front of me ran off the road and hit a road sign.
I seen the complete under side of the bike flip 10' in the air.
The guy riding broke his leg. The guy had a little too much to drink.
Called 911 for an ambulance and my wife went to calm him down.

Two guys show up in a truck and help me pull his bike up the embankment, when they hear the sirens, they said they were drunk and were getting out of there.
It was 3 pm on a Sunday afternoon. If you are going to drink stay home.:wack:
Zero tolerance here, so ANY drink and you can be gone.
If they really were serious about DUI then they should sit next to the parking lots of bars and arrest anyone that gets behind a wheel.

But they don't, so...