Who was it on here was defending drunk

Zero tolerance here, so ANY drink and you can be gone.
If they really were serious about DUI then they should sit next to the parking lots of bars and arrest anyone that gets behind a wheel.

But they don't, so...

Actually they DO that here to some extent. Just watch people leave, and how they drive. Stop them for some reason, and off you go.
when I was bout 24-5 I was hit head on by a drunk, it killed him. shattered my knee cap and cut the tendons into. took a year to get where I coul d walk normal, never can squat, the cartilage in that knee seems to be giving me problems no in my old age.
drinking and driving has always been a SORE subject with me!!
I had a good friend die in a car accident while driving drunk. Spent a lot of time angry at him after that and it taught me my lesson.
Sometimes I just don't understand the justice system. A co-worker's son was killed by a jerk who had 4 DUI's to his credit, and was allowed to walk by the judge. How can that happen? A few months later, another co-worker saw the murderer in a bar and gave him several good ones in the ribs and then a really good one in the nuts with steel-toes. I'm not in favor of vigilanty justice, but in this case it was merited.
Sometimes I just don't understand the justice system. A co-worker's son was killed by a jerk who had 4 DUI's to his credit, and was allowed to walk by the judge. How can that happen? A few months later, another co-worker saw the murderer in a bar and gave him several good ones in the ribs and then a really good one in the nuts with steel-toes. I'm not in favor of vigilanty justice, but in this case it was merited.

The justice system is a complete failure in this country. Your friend did the right thing but sadly it will not keep him from drinking again. As long as there is booze and cars drunk driving will keep happening. It's a shame the drunk wasn't the one that died. Sounds cold but many times that's the only way it will stop and the same with over doses.

Don't say that I would change my tune if someone close to me died from an over dose or drunk driving because that is exactly why I have the beliefs I do.
Sometimes I just don't understand the justice system. A co-worker's son was killed by a jerk who had 4 DUI's to his credit, and was allowed to walk by the judge. How can that happen?

I don't know, I was reading about an area in Ohio a few months ago where there were several drivers that were going to court for their 12th, 13th, 14th, DUI. WTH?

No way someone should be run through the courts that many times for a DUI. It sounds like habitual to me, lock em up.
Take away their right to own a vehicle and hire someone to drive them to work. That way you create a job also :)
But... But... But.... It's the most prosecuted crime in America! With people doing hard time because of it!

I don't know, I was reading about an area in Ohio a few months ago where there were several drivers that were going to court for their 12th, 13th, 14th, DUI. WTH?

No way someone should be run through the courts that many times for a DUI. It sounds like habitual to me, lock em up.

After about the 3rd, it's pretty obvious he/she can not be rehabilitated. I sure dont wanna spend the money to keep em locked up for life. Is the rope out of the question? I'll bet that would deter the unacceptable behavior.
After about the 3rd, it's pretty obvious he/she can not be rehabilitated. I sure dont wanna spend the money to keep em locked up for life. Is the rope out of the question? I'll bet that would deter the unacceptable behavior.

I have the perfect solution to end the DUI habitual offender without locking them up, or hanging them. But, I'm afraid most Americans wouldn't have the stomach for it.

There is one thing that could be done, and they could never drive again. :D

I was a bit shocked when I read that article, how does anyone get to that point. I knew a guy here that had been busted 3 or 4 times, and they installed a breathalizer in his car. He had to blow into it and pass, so he could start the car.

Easy way around that, have someone else do it that hadn't been drinking or borrow someones car.

Geez, I have been driving for over 40 years, and never had a DUI. It isn't that difficult to avoid!
Actually they DO that here to some extent. Just watch people leave, and how they drive. Stop them for some reason, and off you go.

Sitting in a parking lot near the bar and stopping folks when they leave is dangerous territory. Personally I'm all for it as it could take a drunk driver off the road but it makes for an extremely weak Case. It will most certainly result in a suppressed stop which means anything that happens after the stop gets thrown out.
Sitting in a parking lot near the bar and stopping folks when they leave is dangerous territory. Personally I'm all for it as it could take a drunk driver off the road but it makes for an extremely weak Case. It will most certainly result in a suppressed stop which means anything that happens after the stop gets thrown out.

Which is BS in my book. As soon as they are on the road they are fair game for youz guys.

I thought for sure when I saw you responded it was gonna be some whacky checkpoint chickie. :D
Don't forget victimless!

How could I forget after reading so much of it? My bad.

All those people murdered every year aren't victims. It's their fault some sommubitch hit them. The cure, of course, is to stop blaming the criminal and just let them have the road.
How could I forget after reading so much of it? My bad.

All those people murdered every year aren't victims. It's their fault some sommubitch hit them. The cure, of course, is to stop blaming the criminal and just let them have the road.

Well, ya know. Consider the source.

More people are killed each year by alcohol related accidents than the "other" source.
Sitting in a parking lot near the bar and stopping folks when they leave is dangerous territory. Personally I'm all for it as it could take a drunk driver off the road but it makes for an extremely weak Case. It will most certainly result in a suppressed stop which means anything that happens after the stop gets thrown out.

Pretty sad. I have called in more then a few drunk drivers in my day. If people really want to get drunk drivers off the road then they need to pick up a cell phone when someone leaves the bar. That will hold up in court. A concerned citizen calling in a reckless driver.

I never understood why there are DUI lawyers. It's a fairly black and white issue.
If you blow above the BAC then you broke the law. I don't care if your 500 pounds and can drink a keg and not get drunk.
Pretty sad. I have called in more then a few drunk drivers in my day. If people really want to get drunk drivers off the road then they need to pick up a cell phone when someone leaves the bar. That will hold up in court. A concerned citizen calling in a reckless driver.

I never understood why there are DUI lawyers. It's a fairly black and white issue.
If you blow above the BAC then you broke the law. I don't care if your 500 pounds and can drink a keg and not get drunk.

You have to remember, it's all about the money. They will never admit to it, but that's the deal.

Just like when I get stopped and inspected by the DOT, they claim it's all about safety.

I got pulled behind the scale in Missouri a year or so ago, and after the inspection was done, I walked away with 175.00 dollars in fines and points on my CSA score.

None, and I mean none of the things that I got wrote up for had any affect on me being safe or the truck NOT being safe going down the road. It was all about the money, period. I even asked the Diesel Cop when we were done how any of it affected safety, she could not answer the question.
Bruce, you must have looked suspicious! Lol. Oh yeah I was waiting for the right time to interject the trusty DUI checkpoint bit.

I do agree with you and doogievlg. For that reason I never really worked traffic unless it was something that was an immediate risk to people's safety. I had the same ticket book for years. However I did stop alot more people than I gave tickets to. Mostly investigatory stops.
Pretty sad. I have called in more then a few drunk drivers in my day. If people really want to get drunk drivers off the road then they need to pick up a cell phone when someone leaves the bar. That will hold up in court. A concerned citizen calling in a reckless driver.

I never understood why there are DUI lawyers. It's a fairly black and white issue.
If you blow above the BAC then you broke the law. I don't care if your 500 pounds and can drink a keg and not get drunk.

For one, really good DUI lawyers make really good money. Not just from court cases, but lectures and seminars. I've gone to superior court on a stop suppression when in fact I never actually stopped the person. Now how does district court send that up? A good lawyer. Ofcourse he lost his case as there was never a stop in the first place. But the lawyer never lost a thing. As a matter of fact he was probably slapped on the back at the Bar Association meeting. Who does that implicate in the "its all about the money" assertion?
Sure as f..k wasn't i. I see someone swerving I dial 911. Ave been run of the road.....on my bike....more than once because of an impaired driver. With weed now being legal, recreationally....now here in Washington there will no doubt be more folks getting in wrecks....
More selective interpretation from a cast member of the band of merry idiots in the N&P forum. I did not condone the act. I condemned the system that's turned this into a money grab under the facade of public safety. I've condemned the machine that has done nothing to alleviate the numbers and the fatalities. I've condemned the system that continues to repeat the act over and over and over expecting a different result. I've pointed to the fact that the current system is not working and has ruined more lives than it's saved. I've pointed to numbers and facts which you children could not counter, nor did you even try. If they wanted to stop drunk driving they would, but they don't. And for the record, I don't drink.

Here's the "selectively interpreted" quote:

Millions of drunk drivers make it home safely without hurting anyone. It's the most harshly punished victimless crime in America.

This thread: http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?t=326222

Post 7. Read the remainder yourself to see if you can spot all the "numbers and facts", among the other things listed above.
Last Checkpoint i was stopped at, i was given the third degree. I had been sitting in the ER for nearly 18 hours after my wife nearly died from an allergic reaction to radioactive dye for a scan. I finally told the cop if your so concerned then why don't you walk your *** up over the little hill and see the car going the wrong way smashed into a telephone pole. I watched the guy do it as I drove by the bar they were trying to snag drivers from. They should have had them on both side of the bar.
Speaking of pot legalization, (I don't use it, believe it or not) the "noose" from WA was blabbing the other night the cops over there are wringing their hands about how to investigate people for DWS (driving while stoned) and how to detect it, and under the new WA state legal pot law, the "noose" was also reporting on requirements to haul pot in your car. Basically, you cannot have it accessible to the driver.
Here's the "selectively interpreted" quote:

This thread: http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?t=326222

Post 7. Read the remainder yourself to see if you can spot all the "numbers and facts", among the other things listed above.

After years of dealing with this fool in the N&P forum, have fun with that. His habit is to say something deny he ever said it, and the make the claim you twisted his words, even though they are right there for everyone to read. He's a Fraud.