Ahhh...spring in Michigan


Bad Sport

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Legendary Member
Jun 12, 2010
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The Wolverine State

Was gonna go to the range and do some shooting today, nerts. :banghead:


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Dayum! Don't let Lead hear you couldn't go! You are supposed to be able to handle that in your skivvies! :)
Like Jeff Foxworthy says............ Michigan the one place you run the air conditioner and heater in your car on the same day.

Got another 6 inches of snow overnight. :pale:


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same here

on the bright side, I have been driving the duster for a month or two now, and I just dropped her of last week to get some work done

so if we are to get more snow, I say let it fall before I get her back on the road :)
Where abouts in MI you at Bad Sport? I'm in Holton and we got a dusting but the sun already melted it.
coming down here also.. not sticking though..

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I-TT-LWhdk"]April snow - YouTube[/ame]
Where abouts in MI you at Bad Sport? I'm in Holton and we got a dusting but the sun already melted it.

Hey, I broke my ankle dirt riding in Holton a few years ago...I stick to Cedar Creek now
(I will be out there next weekend)
believe it or not...it worked out for me
I had just started a new job at the time, I had put in maybe 4 months, and my wife was 9 months pregnant at the time
in fact, she was so pregnant, when the two of us walked into the Gerber emergency room in Fremont, they tried to put her in a wheelchair instead of me

I knew my job would not have given me time of to spend with my wife and newborn, but that broken ankle bought me 6 months of paternity leave
(and since we knew the baby was coming, we had saved up plenty of money for her to stay home several months, so me staying home wasn't a problem either)

we made a pitiful bunch for sure, but I greatly enjoyed that time with the wife, we went everywhere together...almost like we were dating again
Give me the hot summer, I have A/C and NEVER pick up a snow shovel!!!

Snowing hard here -- About 3 inches on the ground. -N.E. Pa. 18848


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April 9th. ??????????

Still pretty early yet. I can remember as a kid it snowing in June one summer. We had just ended the school year a few days before. Of course it wasn't a lot and it didn't last long, but still............
Well, you know what they say: if you don't like the weather in michigan...wait 5 minutes
In the 23 years I have lived in Michigan the only time I have gotten stuck in the snow was in mid April.

But on the otherhand, this year when it was 70 on Easter sunday my wife and I went for a top down ride in my Barracuda.
i took a nap and woke up to this..lol bug change from a few hours ago..

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ1b9iVfmKU"]April snow #2 - YouTube[/ame]
April showers bring May flowers.... not here, thats in Georgia !!, Our good news weather forecast is next Saturday its going to hit 60... Wopppeeeee!!