Stop in for a cup of coffee

Remember we were joking about a spray on condom the other day? Turns out it's a real thing being developed by a company called "Girlplay".


Girlplay concept uses spray-on condom to prevent pregnancy | Daily Mail Online
Your tax dollars paid for it. Thank you all very much.
I hope it works for you. I have a customer that had prostate cancer and had his removed. He was very worried and had a implant to make things work again. His wife always has a smile on her face when I see her. LOL
Yeah, nitrous could be fun...I wonder what it would be like to hear the blower giggling on laughing gas?
I think this air dam idea might work out well.

Here it is on a '69 Valiant...

69 valiant.jpg

69 valiant airdam 1.jpg
dig that too Ddaddy
I think it can be kept black or body color matched. I really hope this works out so that folks can do what they want with it for not much money invested. I figure the total investment to put one on will be less than $50 with paint cost added (if desired).

It would be nice if I can give folks a low-cost option to do something custom like this...