My Wife is going to drive me crazy about this.



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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Either that or I'm just going to have to let her have her way and be hot.:D

We have a water cooler (swamp cooler) and she goes around the house closing the windows I open and telling me I'm letting the cool air out.
I love her dearly, but I am constantly dumbfounded by people that live with all the same laws of physics the rest of us do but never got a clue as to how things work.:D

But then her best friend was looking at the dust floating around in sun rays coming through the window and said "No wonder I have to dust all the time, just look at all the dust the sun has in it"
I about fell out of my chair.
My wife doesn't go around closing the windows when the swamp cooler is on. But she does need to be reminded to open them when its on.
Any chance, of putting that sweetness of a model, back as your avatar...?...:)

Ummmm, for a second there I thought you were talking about my wife (since we were talking about wives). But then I figured out that you're probably talking about the girl that I had posing with my Dart. Had a good chuckle about that one till I figured it out.

Ummmm, for a second there I thought you were talking about my wife (since we were talking about wives). But then I figured out that you're probably talking about the girl that I had posing with my Dart. Had a good chuckle about that one till I figured it out.

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she is definitely sporting a fabulous pair of boots.
Ummmm, for a second there I thought you were talking about my wife (since we were talking about wives). But then I figured out that you're probably talking about the girl that I had posing with my Dart. Had a good chuckle about that one till I figured it out.

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THANK YOU!!!!!!!! ....:) cut off shorts, and boots, just rock!
Had to look up what a 'swamp cooler' is. Probably not around here, cause they would be fairly useless with our high humidity...
Had to look up what a 'swamp cooler' is. Probably not around here, cause they would be fairly useless with our high humidity...

Yea, they just rely on sucking air through a wet pad and blowing it into the house.
Problem is, that air speed through the wet pads is what makes the air cold so you have to let air into the house for them to work.
With the windows closed the air doesn't move, so it doesn't get cool.
Perfect is where when the amount of air that goes out of the windows and door screens is the same amount the cooler can blow in.

And you are correct that some have no idea what a swamp cooler is because the area where they live has too much humidity for the air to evaporate the water making the air cold.
During monsoons here is a good example, because it gets real humid even though it might be 90 degrees so all you get is sticky.:D
Generally though, it's pretty dry here (average 6-10%) and why we like the swamp cooler because it ads humidity to the air in the house.
Id be like "Honey, get your boots off my door /dash" or whatever she has her feet on ... :)
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Yea, they just rely on sucking air through a wet pad and blowing it into the house.
Problem is, that air speed through the wet pads is what makes the air cold so you have to let air into the house for them to work.
With the windows closed the air doesn't move, so it doesn't get cool.
Perfect is where when the amount of air that goes out of the windows and door screens is the same amount the cooler can blow in.

And you are correct that some have no idea what a swamp cooler is because the area where they live has too much humidity for the air to evaporate the water making the air cold.
During monsoons here is a good example, because it gets real humid even though it might be 90 degrees so all you get is sticky.:D
Generally though, it's pretty dry here (average 6-10%) and why we like the swamp cooler because it ads humidity to the air in the house.

When we had our swamp cooler in Colorado I would turn on the cooler then open a couple windows on the other end of the house just enough to hold a piece of toilet paper on the screen. Seemed to get maximum draw that way.
I can top that story. Here in town, when I was engaged in HVAC/R service work, we acquired the service for a local "assisted living" outfit. It took me awhile to catch on, but here is what they had:

They had a fairly large dining room, I guess seated 150 or more. This was heated by a ducted furnace that was controlled by motorized damper doors, and referred to as the "night system."

They had a kitchen with a huge range and matching huge RANGE HOOD/ exhauster This system had safety switches so that ONLY when the range hood was activated, the "day" system was brought online by controls and damper doors..........and now the crux

The "day" system brought air in through a very large outdoor inlet, came through a motorless swamp cooler unit (summer) went through a "direct fired" heater (cold wx) and the duct then was damper controlled and sent to the dining room, which was heated or "swamp cooled................." and then............EXHAUSTED OUT THE RANGE HOOD

If you are thinking this is like trying to heat the house with the doors and windows all would be CORRECT

I got to nosing around while all the time cussing the engineer who built this mess, and discovered that a simple change in dampers and ductwork would SEPARATE THE TWO SYSTEMS

So we made some changes, and sold them an A/C unit connected to the old "night" system, now the dedicated heating/ cooling for the dining room

We reworked the direct fired/ swamp cooler / makup air unit to direct ONLY to the kitchen, and to run as before, only with the range hood energized.

I WOULD LOVE to have seen the heating / cooling bills for the next year out of that building
But then her best friend was looking at the dust floating around in sun rays coming through the window and said "No wonder I have to dust all the time, just look at all the dust the sun has in it"
I about fell out of my chair.

She better close all the drapes in the house then so she won't have to dust...
I know people who open the refrigerator door to cool the house. Now there's some creative physics for ya.
Ummmm, for a second there I thought you were talking about my wife (since we were talking about wives). But then I figured out that you're probably talking about the girl that I had posing with my Dart. Had a good chuckle about that one till I figured it out.

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I had a girl like that once... she left me when I could not afford her boots!!! ha
Either that or I'm just going to have to let her have her way and be hot.:D

We have a water cooler (swamp cooler) and she goes around the house closing the windows I open and telling me I'm letting the cool air out.
I love her dearly, but I am constantly dumbfounded by people that live with all the same laws of physics the rest of us do but never got a clue as to how things work.:D

But then her best friend was looking at the dust floating around in sun rays coming through the window and said "No wonder I have to dust all the time, just look at all the dust the sun has in it"
I about fell out of my chair.

Tell her what is in that dust and watch her freak out.
The detritus of life.
Everything that ever existed turns to dust.
Bug parts and poo, human skin, mold.

In the summer, I use window shakers.
I cut up pleated high efficiency filters from the home store.
They are grey in a few weeks.
And I've not only moved the cloths dryer outside, I have hardwood floors.
Ummmm, for a second there I thought you were talking about my wife (since we were talking about wives). But then I figured out that you're probably talking about the girl that I had posing with my Dart. Had a good chuckle about that one till I figured it out.

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A thread about heat.
Then we see......
Really, really, really, really, hot girl with an airplane in the background.
And "mile high dart".
I'm sensing a pattern.
Is there a club I can join?