What kind of critter dwelling is this ??


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
moved my duster out after it had been in the same spot for the past 2 years and I find this.

what do you guys think and how to get rid of whatever is in there ?




Didnt think raccoons dug holes.
Had a groundhog around here that dug a few under buildings. Neighbour put the run on it,was gining on his garden.
Looks like one of the Armadillo holes we have around here.
Probably a gopher (or ground hog) based on the hole size and scat size. Flood the hole with water and see what comes out...and kill it.

You have a Ford Cobra, see the pile of rust? :-O

Run away! Run away!
go get some gopher gassers. Lite two and throw in the hole, cover the hole with a board and put dirt on top of it to seal it.
are those Coon turds off to the left in that pile?
Could be Prairie Dog..if so there will be a "back door" somewhere. Don't do the water thing...doesn't work..ask how I know..Go to farm store and get poison...try to find escape hole and block it..I had to do this every morning for a week to get rid of one on my property in Colorado.
Looks looks a groundhog hole, they're vegetarians primarily, usually they leave what look like little gherkins behind. So not sure of the dump pile there.
red67gts said:
put a hose on exhaust and run down in hole.
this will work, lawnmower exhaust into hole, seal it and let it run a tank of gas out. 3/4" x 4 FT. range flex connector is great to hook to the exhaust opening, and easy to get down the hole. Of course black gas pipe will work too , but harder to "swing" around into the hole. -swing, 2 or 3 ells to swing into any position.
Better move all your cars away from that hole.
It's definitely from a tin worm!