Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well at least I got that cabinet in primer, oh yeah ronson oil did save a few stickers but erased others. Oh well, They are on the shop door now not good enough to put back on the machine. still a score!
Mornin, fellas! I hope everyone has a relaxing and or profitable weekend. Today is dashpad day. I have never made one before so this should be interesting! The goal is no sewing and no seams. Not sure I can pull that off! But I do have the correct foam, vinyl, and landeau top adhesive.
Take pics can be a great how to thread if it works.
Dang another week in the teens....
Glad I was able to shut the stove off yesterday and doo a good cleanout and the circulation blower was down, had to rig a bearing for it till I can find a new motor assy for it, have some feelers out no one yet, old Alaska Kodiak.
Hey we all have to chip in and get him a commercial movie theater popcorn machine for his retirement!:icon_fU:
So just this week....the officer is doing a tier check. He is rather new....he hears coming from a cell. "Aren't you done yet? You better hurry up"...the new officer walked up to look in and was shocked as to what he saw. It smelled like hot buttered popcorn.
Well I can't stop laughing and it's pissisng my wife off...
Now they are teasing the officer because he was watching.(which he wasn't) he was just in such shock he didn't know what to say or do. It is funny but I guess you have to work in a place like that to understand our sick humor
Hey when you burned the neighbors brush pile did it smell familiar?:rofl::rofl::rofl: Ok I will be nice now SIR!
Ok, now I am sure this conversation is about a cell mate chokeing something :lol: little slow I am this morning .. :D