Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had 2 friends from HS go down the pharmacist road, both went to UOP in Sacramento. Both had the
GPA and the intelligence to do so. First one made it to his final exam in inorganic chemistry, looked at the exam, took the Bic lighter out of his pocket, set it ablaze, dropped it in the waste receptacle and headed for home. :rofl:Second one had his masters in short order, looked at the next schooling step and where it would lead and said "Screw it!". Put in an application with Civil Service, got picked up by the FDA, inspected ships and their consumable cargos at The Port of Los Angeles. Got tired of that after 5 years, bid on a job for the USFS and became a park ranger at Yosemite :rofl:.
Like everything else, you decide what you want out of life that makes you happy. What works for some only applies to them.

You just can’t want more and expect to get have to make it happen.
the only thing that kept me from being that successful was a complete lack of talent, non-existent ambition and an unfathomable desire to take a nap...
Should give up the weed sooner....
But it kinda describes me too.
Lazy-maybe. Stupid,likely not.
Never did any school work,but aced my exams,somehow i would squeak by.
Today,not getting rich,but dont care. Not going broke either.
I am very happy this storm is turning into a fizzle. Snowing now, but temps are 37* so it’s melting on contact. I’m ready to be done with snow for the Winter.
I am very happy this storm is turning into a fizzle. Snowing now, but temps are 37* so it’s melting on contact. I’m ready to be done with snow for the Winter.
Is it too late for me to become a weather forecaster? I can make **** up and then look out the window and report what it actually is doing just like they are doing. lol. We have over an inch here and snowing pretty steady.
Is it too late for me to become a weather forecaster? I can make **** up and then look out the window and report what it actually is doing just like they are doing. lol. We have over an inch here and snowing pretty steady.
Last forecast I saw for your area said 2-4”. Probably about right, but it’s easy to forecast once the storm is underway.

The biggest problem with you being a weather forecaster is that you don’t have the curves for it. The media has learned that sexy women get a pass when it comes to getting the weather forecast wrong.

How do you feel about getting a sex change?

They biggest problem with you being a weather forecaster is that you don’t have the curves for it. The media has learned that sexy women get a pass when it comes to getting the weather forecast wrong.

How do you feel about getting a sex change?
You may have a point there. Um, No chance. lol
Most of them around here have at least 1 hot weather girl. Channel 8 actually has mostly guys doing the weather. Now traffic - that's all about smiles and boobs. :thumbsup:
You could just get the boobs...think of it as a career choice...and a new hobby!
Make it happen. He did...
Trying bud, trying. baby steps.

here's the thing. My grandfather came here after WW2 having fought for the Germans. He and his brother came here, worked, got their wives over here, all legally. He had 3 goals: own his own business, build his own house with his own hands and to have a family in which to carry on his name. He achieved all three and did so very well. If I could achieve similar, I would be just as happy if I had Gate's money. Sometimes in life, there's more than money can buy.
Goop morning !! Coffee is kicking in as I start this cold day, 35 degrees :wtf: was 70 two days ago !!
Just woked up...
-13 and a high of 1 today.
Suzuki swift needs axle seal.
Nissan all safetied and ready for tags.
Physio today. They bumped up my appointment. Good thing the owner is my customer...
Some times I wish I lived closer to some of you to the north of me Then I change my mind when I see the weather change up there,
I guess this left coaster will always enjoy my Arkansas weather..