The End and The Beginning

Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver BC

The End:

A few days ago I sold my Lancer, and the mountain of parts and accessories collected over three decades' time, to an Australian who flew halfway round the globe to buy it. After a long drive home (heh), he will add it to his collection of much-loved and enthusiastically restored and driven '60-'62 Valiants. The transaction was a bit of an adventure: the car was stored in Northern Michigan, which got wallopped with subfreezing temperatures and 3 feet of snow in a freak multi-day mid-April storm. The buyer lives in a place with year-round Los Angeles-type weather; he had seen a bit of snow once, but had no experience with cold temperatures or large amounts of snow.

That was my last Slant-6 car. I took my driving licence test in it. I taught my father how to change spark plugs on it. I have a lot of fine memories with it, and now it is retiring to someplace warm and sunny where it will live a life of pampered luxury amongst its fellows. For the first time since I began playing with cars as a 14-year-old, I do not own any Chrysler products. With the exception of a 12-year gap between 1978 and 1990, all my life there was always at least one Slant-6 car; now the Slant Six Dan era draws to a close with this, my 6,080th post to FABO. I had a lot of fun, made a lot of friends and a few sworn enemies, learned a whole lot, and hope to have helped out where and when I could. Thanks, all, it's been fun. I'll be around from time to time, mostly in the parts-for-sale section as I gradually finish clearing stuff out. And I will have turn signal switches and decals (and, of course, good upgrades for headlamps and brake/signal lights) for the foreseeable future.

The Beginning:

On that background, it seems appropriate to present this movie about the development of the first Valiant.
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Dang, I don't know what to say but Congratulations and thank you for all your help and good luck. Mike
Thank you Daniel for all your help through the years.I wish you and your family all the BEST. Perchance if we have any lighting questions... will you be checking in here from time to time? We all value your thoughts and really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us here at FABO...once again THANKS for all you have done for FABO.
Take Care,
Thank you Daniel for all your help through the years.I wish you and your family all the BEST. Perchance if we have any lighting questions... will you be checking in here from time to time? We all value your thoughts and really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us here at FABO...once again THANKS for all you have done for FABO.
Take Care,
Thanks Dan for all your input and knowledge on our cars and hobby, good luck in your future and hope to run across you at sometime for a chat. From one Canuck to another :thankyou::thankyou:
Damn, Dan I'm sorry to hear your out. I wish you well. Thanks for the help over the years and I'm sure that goes for everyone you have touched. And... that Lancer is beautiful :)
Thank you Daniel for all your help through the years.I wish you and your family all the BEST. Perchance if we have any lighting questions... will you be checking in here from time to time? We all value your thoughts and really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us here at FABO...once again THANKS for all you have done for FABO.
Take Care,
^^^^^THIS^^^^^ Thanks DAN
OMG Dan sold his Lancer and used the money to buy a Triumph Stag! Ok, that's probably fake news, but you didn't say what your next project was...
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The End:

A few days ago I sold my Lancer, and the mountain of parts and accessories collected over three decades' time, to an Australian who flew halfway round the globe to buy it. After a long drive home (heh), he will add it to his collection of much-loved and enthusiastically restored and driven '60-'62 Valiants. The transaction was a bit of an adventure: the car was stored in Northern Michigan, which got wallopped with subfreezing temperatures and 3 feet of snow in a freak multi-day mid-April storm. The buyer lives in a place with year-round Los Angeles-type weather; he had seen a bit of snow once, but had no experience with cold temperatures or large amounts of snow.

That was my last Slant-6 car. I took my driving licence test in it. I taught my father how to change spark plugs on it. I have a lot of fine memories with it, and now it is retiring to someplace warm and sunny where it will live a life of pampered luxury amongst its fellows. For the first time since I began playing with cars as a 14-year-old, I do not own any Chrysler products. With the exception of a 12-year gap between 1978 and 1990, all my life there was always at least one Slant-6 car; now the Slant Six Dan era draws to a close with this, my 6,080th post to FABO. I had a lot of fun, made a lot of friends and a few sworn enemies, learned a whole lot, and hope to have helped out where and when I could. Thanks, all, it's been fun. I'll be around from time to time, mostly in the parts-for-sale section as I gradually finish clearing stuff out. And I will have turn signal switches and decals (and, of course, good upgrades for headlamps and brake/signal lights) for the foreseeable future.

The Beginning:

On that background, it seems appropriate to present this movie about the development of the first Valiant.
Best of luck, /6 Dan....
you didn't say what your next project was...
Oh, nothing exciting, just boring grownup stuff: clean out the garage and basement, pay down debt, do some badly overdue adult-stuff (get a will, etc). I don't have any reason to believe I'm dying any time soon, but.
I’m glad to hear the car that you drove into adulthood has found a great caretaker. And you can always go for a visit... in the winter since it’ll always be summer there.
Good for you to let it go.
I appreciate all of the excellent technical explanations you’ve provided.
No slant sixes - WOW! Well enjoy your hybrid.
Dan, thank you for being very willing to help other members with their problems and questions. I have always been impressed whenever you included links in your responses. The links were always informative on the subject at hand.

May another slant six Mopar catch your eye in the future.
I wish this was April fools...hard to think about the most die-hard a-body fan and authority, not carrying around those familiar Chrysler keys anymore. Please stick around, Dan, because you are the rare person who we can count on to know what you are talking about.

Oh and thanks for posting that film introducing the Valiant, that will be a real treat to sit back and watch a little later with a bowl of popcorn and a drink.
View attachment 1715167908

The End:

A few days ago I sold my Lancer, and the mountain of parts and accessories collected over three decades' time, to an Australian who flew halfway round the globe to buy it. After a long drive home (heh), he will add it to his collection of much-loved and enthusiastically restored and driven '60-'62 Valiants. The transaction was a bit of an adventure: the car was stored in Northern Michigan, which got wallopped with subfreezing temperatures and 3 feet of snow in a freak multi-day mid-April storm. The buyer lives in a place with year-round Los Angeles-type weather; he had seen a bit of snow once, but had no experience with cold temperatures or large amounts of snow.

That was my last Slant-6 car. I took my driving licence test in it. I taught my father how to change spark plugs on it. I have a lot of fine memories with it, and now it is retiring to someplace warm and sunny where it will live a life of pampered luxury amongst its fellows. For the first time since I began playing with cars as a 14-year-old, I do not own any Chrysler products. With the exception of a 12-year gap between 1978 and 1990, all my life there was always at least one Slant-6 car; now the Slant Six Dan era draws to a close with this, my 6,080th post to FABO. I had a lot of fun, made a lot of friends and a few sworn enemies, learned a whole lot, and hope to have helped out where and when I could. Thanks, all, it's been fun. I'll be around from time to time, mostly in the parts-for-sale section as I gradually finish clearing stuff out. And I will have turn signal switches and decals (and, of course, good upgrades for headlamps and brake/signal lights) for the foreseeable future.

The Beginning:

On that background, it seems appropriate to present this movie about the development of the first Valiant.
This is like the time my dog went to live on a farm....
The end of an era...! So... can we welcome "SmallBlockDan" soon then?
Or do you skip right to torque-city as 'BigBlockDan'??? :)
Dan, will still need a daily driver, I wonder what he is up to.
He'll be back. Mopar in some fashion im sure..(We hope.).........
The end of an era...! So... can we welcome "SmallBlockDan" soon then?
Or do you skip right to torque-city as 'BigBlockDan'??? :)
big block dan, or elephant engine dan, or hemi dan, or monster motor dan, or---------------------
Wow, I don’t know what to say, except that you have been a great asset around here, and a great friend to a lot of people! I’d like to thank you for always chiming in when someone was in trouble, or was struggling with their project, and always willing to offer the best advise! There are some members here who, when they chime into a thread, I know it’s being covered the right way, you count among those folks!! I hope you enjoy your next adventure Dan, and keep us in mind as you travel thru life!! You will be sorely missed!! Take care my friend!!