Stop in for a cup of coffee

One question, why does this take so long??
Sadly, a lot of boys & men also disrespect girls & women.

There are several examples of it throughout this thread.

I rarely post in this thread because of it.

I know men can be ugly & shallow & they are not the type of people I want to hang out with - so I do not.

No girl or woman wants to be harassed, abused or disrespected.

Even doing it in jest 'with pals' leads to a group mentality that many seem to adopt & accept.

It is not acceptable.


A lot of what you say may be true, but I know many of the folks here personally and while they may joke around “boys being boys” none of them would ever harm a woman. In fact, I never felt my wife and daughter were safer than when they were all staying in my home during a get-together...and so did the women.

I know every one of them would fight with a vengeance to protect them if it came to it.

There is a vast difference between joking around and being sexually silly and assaulting women actively.

This group just jokes around, but they have massive respect and content of character when it comes to the difference between being silly and reality. I would trust every one of them to have my back when the chips are down...and protect my family.

You need to gain a new perspective and understand the folks here. Life isn’t black and white and you aren’t the mighty defender of women...nor does evil live here.

Oh yah!

Well, if you really want to change the world, it takes a deep look within.

I can not change the world. No one can.

We can all ask ourselves;

Am I making the problem better or worse?

It truly is a problem.

No one can answer for another, that takes a look within.

But I know enough to not make situations worse.

Why throw fuel on a raging fire that is already blazing out of control?

If the 'men' in these boys lives think this type of behavior is OK, then what can you expect the boys that look up to them to do?

Everyone can serve as an example.

Good or bad.

But the good should be present in all things, especially when out with 'the boys'.

Boys learn from men & there are way too many bad examples of 'men' present in the world already.

This thread is open to all genders & all ages?

If a 13 year old boy joins up here & reads all the sexual innuendo & comments in this thread & then goes out & sees a girl he is attracted to, do you think many of the comments about women here will fill him with respect for the girl he sees?

Will he follow the negative examples of some of the men here based on their comments about women above?

I hope not for his sake & even more so for the girls sake.

So can any one of us change the world by ourselves?


But we can each start by changing what we do, what we say & we can hope others do the same.

It has to start somewhere.

uh huh

Yet, there are examples of this type of bad behavior posted very recently, even today.

It is sad, it truly is.


Honestly and without the end of this long day...I don’t give a **** what you think.

Stop pretending to be the savior of womankind. You aren’t. Even my wife calls bullshit on your words. Reality is far more complex that what you pretend it is. Sexuality exists...and will always be a part of the adult conversation, sometimes serious and sometimes in jest on both sides of the equation.

The difference is when people take the sexuality part into the realm of violence and oppression...and make it real.

Words aren’t the enemy...actions are.


Oh no!
I think I'm going to hop in the 66 and go look at a 64 Polara. I'll kick myself if I don't.
Well, I got my VA appointment finally, next month. Now to get all my paperwork rounded up.
48* early this morning and 77* this afternoon, maybe our Summer has finally arrived. Red Flag warnings from the Mexican border all the way up here along the coastal range. That's a whole lotta National Forrest between here and there. Should be a fine day for a motorcycle ride :D.
Everyone have a dandy day, time for breakfast , then get a mile or two in on that machine (tredmill) Seeyea !!

If you put the treadmill in the back of the truck and drive around, you can get your miles in on the treadmill much faster... :D