Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yes, need to get heavy on tomorrow ... Planning on leaving early on the 5th, BUT my wife wants me to pick up some roses she bought at the guessed it...on the 5th!!!!! Will put me in a time crunch trying to cross the country in two days, not saying I cant but it will be tough with a car trailer.... Need to reschedule the flowers it seems...But Nooooo!!

Is it time for the fair down there already? Awful nice place to have fairgrounds. Half mile from the beach. Life is tough in SD County :lol:
Well this is just minty

I am not even sure what to make of this.

Looks like the pipe was smooshed against the torsion bar at one time


So, all my favourite smart people hang around here. This guy was hanging around for a few hours today. Dragonfly about to moult?
Yes, need to get heavy on tomorrow ... Planning on leaving early on the 5th, BUT my wife wants me to pick up some roses she bought at the guessed it...on the 5th!!!!! Will put me in a time crunch trying to cross the country in two days, not saying I cant but it will be tough with a car trailer.... Need to reschedule the flowers it seems...But Nooooo!!
Flowers?!? Don’t need no stinking flowers hahah
Man I got burnt today. Sun burnt. Second time this year. I used to never get sun burnt. Guess I’m getting old
Hate to say this but, I might not be able to go to Gettysburg with Craig and +1. Not for sure yet, but...........
Hate to say this but, I might not be able to go to Gettysburg with Craig and +1. Not for sure yet, but...........
Well sure we will do it again next year. Take your time and get there safely.

Good Morning!!
Hey is @Mattax coming to Carlisle. I just discovered my backup lights aren't working. I figured if he got bored he could educate me. :D