Stop in for a cup of coffee

People are just plain sick. We had someone close to hear, I think he was arrested for having set a fire 17 times, not sure if it was in 2017 or 18. I hope I will never experience October 2017 again. That was to cry over.


We had that smoke way down here on the coast when the winds were right.
We had that smoke way down here on the coast when the winds were right.

I bet you did. We are the 10th house from the railroad track, and on the other side of the track 1200 homes burned down in Coffee Park. Looked like when you see on tv from the worst war zones. Cars up side down everywhere. When the gas tanks exploded, they were flipped. They say the temperature was like up towards 3000 degrees. A house burned down in 8 minutes. And we were standing some miles away listening to it, like bombs go off in the background, and the sky lite up. For hours. We never expected to see our house stand.

As for Eagles, I read in Norwegian media a couple of days ago that Norway has about 400-500 sea eagles, and in about the last 10 years they have found 100 dead ones that fly in the opening between the propeller blades of the large windmills, and get hit by them, and that's it. And now the governent is pushing for several times as many windmills to get enough electric power for the new electric cars, and boats and airplanes they plan to use. So, bye bye eagles and other birds. I am so glad they have taken pictures of birds so the children can learn about them in school, how it used to be in the days when mom and dad was using fossil fuel and ruined the world.

And for Mitch and I, when the Eagles land, its a term referring to government retirement money.
And for Mitch and I, when the Eagles land, its a term referring to government retirement money.
I get a check from Uncle Sam but it's money I and my employers put in. I get mine the middle of the month. My account is starting to grow. I still use momma's checkbook to pay the bills. LOL
Hey no worries. There are terms I still don't know. Live and learn. :)

Hard to learn here in California. Californians talk fast, so I tend to just tune out and not pay attention to what is said. Oddly enough it end up just sounding like a noise. A noise I want to get rid of. Being well ver 50 does not help either.

I get a check from Uncle Sam but it's money I and my employers put in. I get mine the middle of the month. My account is starting to grow. I still use momma's checkbook to pay the bills. LOL
So your retired, save your check, and spend Momma's money. Hmm interesting.
I just pay all the bills. She asks sometimes about what we have in the bank. Other than that just give her cash when she asks.
So your retired, save your check, and spend Momma's money. Hmm interesting.
I just pay all the bills. She asks sometimes about what we have in the bank. Other than that just give her cash when she asks.
I paid all the bills except for the house payment for 28 years when I was in business. My check is $1500 a month. Her check is more than that a week. Time for her top pay. LOL
Oh man these phone sales people. Hello, this is Connor on a recorded line, how are you today? We have a job offering, would you be interested ? So, I did not answer to how are you today, that is too dumb to answer to a machine. So I said, no, I am not interested in any jobs. And Connor does not give up, so he asks, what kind of job are you looking for. Well, first of all, he was the one calling me, and I just told him I was not interested. So I got a little pissy, and answered back, didn't you just hear what I said, I am not interested in your jobs. Then the machine gets offended, and I hear.. "beep" in the other end, and Connor is gone.

I didn't know they made machines that sensitive. Almost as sensitive as the fishing poles Bill Dance was sticking up in the fan.

I thought sugar mama and sugar daddy was something only in movies.

ahaha nope. There's actually a dating site specifically for it too. My team lead met his now ex-wife on that site, afterwards, she took half his 401k and assets
Back in Norway a guy called me on the phone and told me I needed to clean up my windows. He sounded from India, based on his accent. I said: I didn't know my windows were dirty. Are you outside my house now, I asked the man? No, he answered. I asked him, if you are not outside my house, how can you know my windows need to be cleaned ? Is it the kitchen windows, or some of the others?
No, it is the windows on your computer he said. What computer I asked, what is that ? And the conversation went on and on for a long time about what a computer was, and the kitchen windows. I think we were talking for 10 minutes, finally he got upset and hung up on me.

Driver’s seat mount is done. Waiting for paint to dry.

Checked the Fargo, its seized. :(
Sea foam and atf down the plug holes. See if it will surrender. May pull the head. Might be easier. Maybe its a copper gasket.
Back in Norway a guy called me on the phone and told me I needed to clean up my windows. He sounded from India, based on his accent. I said: I didn't know my windows were dirty. Are you outside my house now, I asked the man? No, he answered. I asked him, if you are not outside my house, how can you know my windows need to be cleaned ? Is it the kitchen windows, or some of the others?
No, it is the windows on your computer he said. What computer I asked, what is that ? And the conversation went on and on for a long time about what a computer was, and the kitchen windows. I think we were talking for 10 minutes, finally he got upset and hung up on me.

When I get a sales call, I usually begin speaking in German, or Spanish, or Vietnamese to them...Believe me...The call usually only lasts a few seconds...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Driver’s seat mount is done. Waiting for paint to dry.

Checked the Fargo, its seized. :(
Sea foam and atf down the plug holes. See if it will surrender. May pull the head. Might be easier. Maybe its a copper gasket.
Some say gun oil is good for getting engines loose.

Dang, this is the coolest thing I have seen all day.


s-l1600 (30).jpg
When I get a sales call, I usually begin speaking in German, or Spanish, or Vietnamese to them...Believe me...The call usually only lasts a few seconds...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well, the only thing I can say and pronounce fairly well in German is: Ich bin ein dummkopf. Spanish I can t say a single word, and the same goes for Vietnamese. But I could talk Norwegian, I could do that and see what happened. :D

Well, the only thing I can say and pronounce fairly well in German is: Ich bin ein dummkopf. Spanish I can t say a single word, and the same goes for Vietnamese. But I could talk Norwegian, I could do that and see what happened. :D


Maybe I should say:. Du er nå kommet til et Norsk telefonapparat og jeg er ikke interessert i noen utstrakt polemisering med deg.
