positive reply



free ice cream sandwiches
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
behind the wheel
if you start a thread and generate a positive discussion, and people take the time to write a response , at least take the time to hit a positive icon at the bottom of each post and show acknowledge for the effort. it's the considerate thing to do. I know I do.
thank you , please pull forward
Positive comments make all of us feel good so I will check the agree box on post #1 one here. Of course, not a bad suggestion, but then (on the other hand) it could become meaningless after a while (like all kids getting a star in school, regardless of performance). Just a thought.

After reading so much good stuff here, it's becomes harder and harder for me to decide when and how to rate posts. Maybe I just don't have that teacher potential where some people are better than others when it comes to evaluating subjective matters. I know I could post a "like, thanks, agree" all at once when a pretty girl is posted (would not have to think twice in a case like that)!

a plus.jpeg
It's not a grade. Don't worry about that.
The way I understand Bulldozer's request is that if the response was positive and helpful, close the circle. Type a post or click like, thanks or agree - whichever is appropriate.
Otherwise the people helping don't know if they've been talking to the wind.
Also, its just courteous.
Someone helps, you say thanks.
Your right. I kind of use it as a litmus test i suppose. It sort of shows that the (my) thought process to print isn't all out of wack and my words aren't being totally misunderstood. I don't shop for likes nor post for likes. But it is a check/snapshot. I will consider your request and try to make a concerted effort. Thank you.
Two neutrons walk into a bar... One of them bumps the door on the way in...

He turns to his friend and says, "I think I lost an electron..."

His friend asks, "Are you sure???"

The first one replies, "I'm positive...."
Then there's the part where people answer or reply to a post without an indication of any kind to the OP.
If people are not going to use the "Quote" function so the OP gets a notice about it, at least hitting one of the four choices gives a notice so we can go back and see what has been answered or added.
I can't count how many times I have eventually gone back to a post weeks later to find someone asked a question or added information that there was zero notice of.
Two neutrons walk into a bar...
The first one replies, "I'm positive...."

Then there's the part where people answer or reply to a post without an indication of any kind to the OP.
If people are not going to use the "Quote" function so the OP gets a notice about it, at least hitting one of the four choices gives a notice so we can go back and see what has been answered or added.
I can't count how many times I have eventually gone back to a post weeks later to find someone asked a question or added information that there was zero notice of.
Good point, especially when the thread has gone off in some other direction(s). Heck sometimes I quote myself so others can follow what my new post connects to.
i agree. but considering how many "help me" threads get started, garner 3 pages of suggestions with the OP never returning to the thread, i wouldn't hold out much hope :(
My frustration is posting info/pics/specs....whatever to SOMEONE ELSE'S thread and they cant even hit a button. As said, proper manners. Sometimes to post info/pic, whatever takes some effort to HELP YOU! Sooo chew with your mouth closed and say THANKS.
only time i hit "thanks" is if it was a useful post, that did not require me to reply to it

or, when im on my phone, and i want to hit agree, but dont know which one is which
i agree. but considering how many "help me" threads get started, garner 3 pages of suggestions with the OP never returning to the thread, i wouldn't hold out much hope :(
Funny you bring that up. I just got an alert to a thread where the OP said he was dropping out, and he did.
But someone just posted a mile long answer/sales pitch. Hope he doesn't get mad when the OP doesn't respond.

But I did.
My frustration is posting info/pics/specs....whatever to SOMEONE ELSE'S thread and they cant even hit a button. As said, proper manners. Sometimes to post info/pic, whatever takes some effort to HELP YOU! Sooo chew with your mouth closed and say THANKS.

No good deed goes unpunished......
Then there's the part where people answer or reply to a post without an indication of any kind to the OP.
If people are not going to use the "Quote" function so the OP gets a notice about it, at least hitting one of the four choices gives a notice so we can go back and see what has been answered or added.
I can't count how many times I have eventually gone back to a post weeks later to find someone asked a question or added information that there was zero notice of.

I gotta tell you TB I REALLY dislike the quote function with this "improved" software. I can't figure out how to make a multi quote come out the way I want, and I really dislike the way a quote is "ghosted" into a post.
I clicked disagree on Bulldozers original post, just cause I'm a smartass.

Really I always try to "like" or "agree" with positive posts, and I always thank those who give me help or advice.
all good points, it's just nice to know that your response was read and that it wasn't a complete waste of time lol

I agree.....even a "screw you" at least lets you know it got read. LOL
Here's a push your way on little red.

See the disagree made you look.

Thats the one that kills me. Folks give a disagree and no reason for it.
I would like to know why you disagree.
I clicked disagree on Bulldozers original post, just cause I'm a smartass.

Really I always try to "like" or "agree" with positive posts, and I always thank those who give me help or advice.
ahh yes, the negative Nancy surfaces, there's one in every crowd. but hey, at least you took the time to explain the big red X ! LOL j/k
everyone likes to feel appreciated , and that their time and effort to help someone here counts for something !
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Here's a push your way on little red.

See the disagree made you look.

Thats the one that kills me. Folks give a disagree and no reason for it.
I would like to know why you disagree.

I RARELY mash the disagree button. I got balls enough to tell um I disagree and why.
I clicked disagree on Bulldozers original post, just cause I'm a smartass.

Really I always try to "like" or "agree" with positive posts, and I always thank those who give me help or advice.

Yeah, I suffer from that sickness as well. lol