Stop in for a cup of coffee

Probably not gonna go take a spin in that t bucket today. 25 degrees and we got an inch of snow.
What the heck are you hoot owls doing up at this hour? We did a scotch sampling in shop tonight. Which rapidly deteriorated into a philosophical discussion on the merits and or lack of, with regard to grip angle on Glocks, with a multitude of examples. I was only one in room non Glock. Of course I am old so I was also rocking a leather holster vs kydex. And a SIG. only leather in the room as well.
I'm not a gun guy but I kinda' follow you. LOL
What the heck are you hoot owls doing up at this hour? We did a scotch sampling in shop tonight. Which rapidly deteriorated into a philosophical discussion on the merits and or lack of, with regard to grip angle on Glocks, with a multitude of examples. I was only one in room non Glock. Of course I am old so I was also rocking a leather holster vs kydex. And a SIG. only leather in the room as well.
I'll take my Glock over a SIG any day. As far as a holster plastic or leather no preference either is good.
My step dad had a bolt action 22 nad a single shot 410 and my brother in law got them when he passed. I shot both of them many times and my BIL didn't even know they existed. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
Well having carried a weapon daily for 30 years, SWAT team 20 years, yep I have a couple, three, or four handguns.
Oh and a couple rifles, nothing you consider using for hunting.
Lubbock.. Smack dab in the middle of nothing!
I just saw your sig "west Texas" and was curious. I have to make it down to that corner of the world sometime. Been to Dallas a couple times but not much farther than the airport. I flew in, picked up a tool truck and drove it home years back. It barely went 55 mph. After I got home and talking to some of my customers, I ran a few quarts of ATF through the fuel system and then it would run 70 . :BangHead::BangHead: