Out door games we played.



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hoppyworld, PA
I remember stick ball, hand ball, kick the can. I bet they are not played any more.
Smear the Queer,
But now "they" have to call it something like "catch the kid with the ball". Just doesn't sound as fun that way.
Bey playing ARMY you would get arrested now! We had some spring loaded guns that would shout a plastic BB kind of like airsoft now but way slower.
3 Flies Up, Smear the Queer, Dodge ball, Freeze Tag, "You're It!"...

Man, what simpler times they were when all you had to worry about was beating the kids on your block at those games...
Imaging when no school leave the house around 8 come back at dinner time now? We just played hard all day with no worries!
Them days are gone!
There were 7 of us that ran together. 13-15 years old. We'd jump on our bmx bikes and pedal our asses off all day, riding anywhere from just a few blocks to about 8 miles away. No cell phones, radios, pagers. We had a blast. New housing developements under construction made for great terrain. If mom knew half the places we rode, she'd still kill me today 38 years later.
I spy, yahtzee, build a fort in the woods near where our camp was and come back the next year and work on it some more.
No school games, so driving the tractor by the time I was 9 made mom and grandma proud, fishing and hunting.
Games of my youth, them 13 came.
Dug a big hole, built a wooden fort that stuck about one foot above ground with a flat roof on top. Younger brother and his friends would be in it and us older kids would not let them out by bombarding with apples and dirt bombs.
Dug a big hole, built a wooden fort that stuck about one foot above ground with a flat roof on top. Younger brother and his friends would be in it and us older kids would not let them out by bombarding with apples and dirt bombs.
I had one of them. Got into a lot of trouble when we dug a tunnel to my neighbors shed behind it (friends house) and made a door In it through the floor!
Nikki nikki nine doors.

Little jerks we were. Knock on someones door late and run away!

Raiding gardens.

We always knew who had the best peas, carrots and raspberries.

Then there were the harmless ones.

Kick the can, hide and seek, tag etc.

Yes, it amazing how times have changed. Kids are “too cool” to have real fun now. Its sad really.
All great neighborhood games I remember with great memories!
Here's one... **** on a stick, take piece o dog **** on a stick and chase kids around.
Bey playing ARMY you would get arrested now! We had some spring loaded guns that would shout a plastic BB kind of like airsoft now but way slower.
I used to love playing Army. I had a German helmet and a Luger. I was a Kraut. With a name like Weidner I had no choice!
I can remember having what we called, "Dirt cload" fights. Us neighbor hood kids would team up and throw dirt cloads at one another till one side surrendered. Lol. Sometimes it got bloody.
What about "500" hit and catch baseball. Grounders where 50 and flyball 100. Get 500 and you get to bat.
I used to love playing Army. I had a German helmet and a Luger. I was a Kraut. With a name like Weidner I had no choice!
Remember those little plastic army men figures came in green and tan. We would play war all day long out in vacant lots digging bunkers using firecrackers to blow up the tanks and jeeps and things.
Remember those little plastic army men figures came in green and tan. We would play war all day long out in vacant lots digging bunkers using firecrackers to blow up the tanks and jeeps and things.
Yep. They never gave you enough if the crawling men. LOL or the guy tossing the grenade.
Nikki nikki nine doors.

Little jerks we were. Knock on someones door late and run away!

Raiding gardens.

We always knew who had the best peas, carrots and raspberries.

Then there were the harmless ones.

Kick the can, hide and seek, tag etc.

Yes, it amazing how times have changed. Kids are “too cool” to have real fun now. Its sad really.

Nikki nine doors had a different name where I came from. Guess you can't even play that anymore. Man thinking back on that game is not even advisable this day and age.
We had an abandoned sand quarry near us. The fun was to pick out the ground around a big boulder to get it to roll down the cliff side starting avalanches. Cool. A couple years ago I took my girlfriend and her son there and showed him....he didn't want to leave and he is a little computer geek!
Kind of a game of tag and capture.
Used to play it in the woods.
The older kids roughed us up quite a bit.
don't forget cowboys and indians. used to put a couple cinder blocks in front of wagon and have youngest kid be driver and someone else be the horse and pull the wagon until the indians attacked. hide and seek.
Hearing these stories brings back so many great memories!! All the fun that's already mentioned and we played Red Rover, Red Rover...we dare Ricky over!!!

The local scrap appliance dump, construction sites and going into their site trailers.

Playing frisbee in the street and football in our neighbors yard. Running around in the streets and gutters during summer rain storms.
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We had an abandoned sand quarry near us. The fun was to pick out the ground around a big boulder to get it to roll down the cliff side starting avalanches. Cool. A couple years ago I took my girlfriend and her son there and showed him....he didn't want to leave and he is a little computer geek!

My Brother and I used to do that, but it was 6 foot steel digging bars and up on the mountain behind our property.
I'm talking prying boulders the size of a Volkswagon loose and watch them tear up the landscape and take down trees.

We also had BB gun wars and often came home with one or two BB's embedded in us.
We would have to hide the wound from Mom until we could dig them out with a pocket knife.
My Brother ran from one cover to another and dropped his gun.
He was hiding behind a piece of roofing tin and trying to reach out where his gun was.
I kept warning him, but he persisted and I shot the entire covering off his index finger knuckle all the way to the bone.
Mom found out about that one because he was bleeding pretty bad, and she got really pissed at me until I showed her some of my already healed wounds.
Then she just stood there looking at us shaking her head.
These were Crossman pump rifles, and not the spring type BB guns and it was a two pump rule. (not always followed)
We lived in the Sierra Nevada mountains north of Lake Tahoe, so not a lot of socialization with other kids especially during summer break.