What's the consensus on burnouts?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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The Mopars4us group wants to do some burnout video's and I would like some thoughts on the subject.

Do you think it's a good idea to involve the local PD in this?
The PD here knows my car well (in a good way) as they have stopped and asked about the car and have been genuinely interested, with two of them recently showing me pictures of their own personal hotrods and classics.
We would like a legal place to smoke em without pissing them off, so I feel it might be a good idea to involve them.
I was thinking to just go park at the PD station and see who shows interest in the Dart and ask them about it.
I grew up in a multi generational law enforcement family, and was an MP on a training base in my other life, so I'm not intimidated by them and know how to relate to that personality type.:D

So then the next question...
What kind of burnout video's do you like best?
1. Stand stills with closeups of one wheel full screen.
2. More distance showing the whole vehicle?
3. Fry em pulling away?
4. Smokey Donuts?
5. All the above?

Appreciate opinions on both of these.
Everything but the smokey donuts. Too easy to lose control especially with nearby spectators. Otherwise let em roll!
Everything but the smokey donuts. Too easy to lose control especially with nearby spectators. Otherwise let em roll!

There are plenty of smokey donuts on other channels anyway, is what I was thinking.
My thoughts are the smoke and the noise would be the two major points of contention for people nearby who don't appreciate either one. But I would think if it was private property and did not carry on for hours and that the exhaust systems were reasonable and that safety was Priority One you would probably be okay. There is a level of liability with anyone that can be determined a organizer. As far as PD goes I would ask a friend in the Department's opinion, police seem to be very tolerant about some things that would not normally be accepted because of the corona situation.
If you're going to do a burn out do it prior to screamin' down the track. I personally wouldn't watch it in real time or on video at any angle. Good luck with the event though.
Getting approval or cooperation from local PD has got to put our hobby in a good light. They may also have helpful suggestions on where or how to conduct such an event. PD presence at the event might might be good PR for everyone. This could be good for the whole community. Do this with safety in mind. Angles I like are straight line shots imitating drag racing, were-as donuts remind me of drifting which a different but cool thing. Good luck, this could be very nice!
I think you would have to find a privately owned property. Doubt the PD would approve of it on public property.
Back in high school we used to go to the school at night and do donuts and burnouts at the "driving range" behind the school. It was a big asphalt circle with a fence around it where they would tech drivers ed. We did that for a couple years until they caught on and started locking the fence. Good times. After that we started doing it in an industrial park at night. Nobody was around and we could see and hear the cops coming WAY before they were close. Never got caught but they tried like hell.
Always a good idea to involve the PD. On the off chance anything bad happens, a meat wagon can be summoned quickly.
I doubt, in general, the local PD would approve. Huge burnouts really aren't my thing, but if you do it, I'd do it on a private lot. I do have some rubber lay'n on a couple of my videos ……
All of the above, with a good supply of Jungle Pam lookalikes present!

I doubt, in general, the local PD would approve. Huge burnouts really aren't my thing, but if you do it, I'd do it on a private lot. I do have some rubber lay'n on a couple of my videos ……

They did in Macon years ago. Until I.....I mean some guy burned it all the way down the street in a 65 360 Valiant. I.....I mean he did keep it straight though. They shut it down after that.
Burnouts arent really my thing I'm more of a hook and go type person lol. I see guess doing burnouts on the street and I always of how stupid and reckless it is. In a controlled setting they are ok but still a waste of tires lol. I would most definitely involve the pd and do it in a controlled area where no other cars can be damaged if something goes wrong that could be a big lawsuit if a bystander gets damaged vehicle or even worse injured
It's easier to grant forgiveness for something that your not suppose to do than it is permission. Really hard to get permission on something most society and courts deem as reckless and delinquent behavior. Hell in today's world the bureaucrats wouldn't even know who to ask or grant for permission. The Sheriff? Local city cops? Risk management? HR? Who's the sanctioning body. Ropes and cones? Environmental impact study? Noise ordinance violations? Mayor approval. Who's the insurance liability with? Do you have an on call Wambulance? Good luck.
Going through the open diff in third gear with probably 3.42 gears sounded like about 5000rpm
that poor tire was going about 260mph
Going through the open diff in third gear with probably 3.42 gears sounded like about 5000rpm
that poor tire was going about 260mph

Just imagine the speed of the poor spider gears. People do stuff and just "don't think".
Getting approval or cooperation from local PD has got to put our hobby in a good light. They may also have helpful suggestions on where or how to conduct such an event. PD presence at the event might might be good PR for everyone. This could be good for the whole community. Do this with safety in mind. Angles I like are straight line shots imitating drag racing, were-as donuts remind me of drifting which a different but cool thing. Good luck, this could be very nice!

Public and LEO relations is what I used to do for our offroad group, so I know that part pretty well.:D

Always a good idea to involve the PD. On the off chance anything bad happens, a meat wagon can be summoned quickly.

Meat Wagon?
Holy Crap what kind of burnouts are you used to.?
I'm thinkin a phone and fire extinguisher should be all we need.:D

It's easier to grant forgiveness for something that your not suppose to do than it is permission. Really hard to get permission on something most society and courts deem as reckless and delinquent behavior. Hell in today's world the bureaucrats wouldn't even know who to ask or grant for permission. The Sheriff? Local city cops? Risk management? HR? Who's the sanctioning body. Ropes and cones? Environmental impact study? Noise ordinance violations? Mayor approval. Who's the insurance liability with? Do you have an on call Wambulance? Good luck.

Here's the deal.
I'm getting older fast and I have babied this car for years while gathering parts to use the car like I want to use it.
Now it's time to have some fun with it Mr. Buzzkill.:D

Just kidding ya, but I can appreciate your sensible attitude on it.
Problem is, I'm tired of being a sensible grownup, and now that the kids are all out on their own it's time for old Dad to play again.
I don't intend to die manicuring a lawn, or sittin on the porch in a rocking chair.
Meat Wagon?
Holy Crap what kind of burnouts are you used to.?
I'm thinkin a phone and fire extinguisher should be all we need.:D

See the Camaro video up there ^^^^^^? Just imagine how that would have gone if that tire had hit a person instead of the car. Meat wagon.
There's a reason as a driver you sign the release paperwork at tech. Take your car to the track and run the $$$hit out of it.
See the Camaro video up there ^^^^^^? Just imagine how that would have gone if that tire had hit a person instead of the car. Meat wagon.
Well you could get hit buy a car crossing the street , at least you’d get hit doing something you like , guys /girls burning there tires off , I’d take that .
I've have burned them off , down to the cords. cops measured it at 335 feet of pure rubber until the tires blew in a 70 Coronet. lost my license in the process but it was a hell of a lot of fun. I will do it again before I croak
See the Camaro video up there ^^^^^^? Just imagine how that would have gone if that tire had hit a person instead of the car. Meat wagon.

No one is going to be close enough for anything like that to happen, but I get your point.
My camera's have remotes, so no need for anyone to be around the vehicles when on video.
When you have already had one heart attack and the doctors tell you you're very likely in for more that could kill you it changes your perspective on how you want the rest of your life to go.

There's a reason as a driver you sign the release paperwork at tech. Take your car to the track and run the $$$hit out of it.

No track within 100 miles of me, and there are plenty of track video's out there already.
I do have an abandoned Fairgrounds about 3-4 miles from my house with a huge parking area.
We are doing this for the viewers because that's what they want to see, not for personal enjoyment per se.