Stop in for a cup of coffee

The second vaccine is the worst as far as reaction it seems. I don't think it is stronger or any different than the first. I should check.
The 2 doses are exactly the same. PA had a problem where the supply was running low to give second doses on schedule Too many first doses were given and none held in reserve to do #2. So, they have pushed the second doses out from 3 weeks to catch up. They said should all be on track within 2-3 weeks, but upposedly not a problem to delay even a couple months. I think 3 weeks is minimum. That was specifically for Maderna
Now here’s a question for the masses, if I hone this out and the center caps don’t fit, is it a big deal to run without caps?

No, as long as you have grease covers over the bearings... You gotta keep the dust and dirt out of the wheel bearings... Just make sure to have a dust cover over the bearing bore in the rotor...
probably has never been truer words spoken

yeah i was wondering how that deal turned out

on a side note, I was just leaving harbor frieght when my wife's boss called, she told me to come get my wife, they sent her and several others home for the day. All having very bad, painful reactions to the Covid shot number 2 they all got yesterday afternoon. Hot and cold chills, muscles spasms and several pain on the injection arms. Supposedly "normal" but my wife says the pain hurts almost as bad as childbirth.

I was just talking about that to my ex wife... She went through the shots already, had similar reaction to the second one... Cold chills, and muscle pain...
I just realized the photos from today didn’t post earlier. I will get longer studs , I had to anyway even if these would have fit.







thanks, im worried mainly cause shes 8 months pregnant and her arm is shaking like someone with Parkinson's

Have they certified the vaccine for pregnant women??? I thought they were starting to test it recently....
Have they certified the vaccine for pregnant women??? I thought they were starting to test it recently....
My niece is expecting and her OB said it was ok. The kid will be born with antibodies. (or so she said)
Oh, I wanted to ask, how long should the bolts be to mount a seat? I have half inch long bolts and I was going to call it good enough

As long as you have at least three threads sticking up past the nut on the other side, you will be good...
Have they certified the vaccine for pregnant women??? I thought they were starting to test it recently....
Yeah. OB here stressed it quite heavily. So my wife had her boss, she works in a doctors office, submit a request back in January for clarification from the FDA and Health Department. They recommended for pregnant women 18 weeks or farther along
Oh, I wanted to ask, how long should the bolts be to mount a seat? I have half inch long bolts and I was going to call it good enough
Factory bolts were over an inch long. You want at least 3 threads sticking out the back of the nut for “accepted” torque. That’s Milspec Engineering spec though.
The second vaccine is the worst as far as reaction it seems. I don't think it is stronger or any different than the first. I should check.

I think the vaccines are the same for both shots, just your body has more severe reaction to the second one...
I get working in my shop then I look around, wtf is this mess? Get so tied up making or doing whatever and wind up with tools and stuff everywhere. Time to clean up....

Losing your **** is part of working on things....
