The Snake Still Going Strong!


Lord Sparky

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
Reaction score
Carlsbad, California
At 80, NHRA Great Don 'The Snake' Prudhomme Still Outracing the Youngsters

He is for me! Ever since I was a kid, a weeee tot in 1st grade, got me a snake funny car and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. That big hood snake and fangs. Oh heck yea!
He is for me! Ever since I was a kid, a weeee tot in 1st grade, got me a snake funny car and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. That big hood snake and fangs. Oh
He is for me! Ever since I was a kid, a weeee tot in 1st grade, got me a snake funny car and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. That big hood snake and fangs. Oh heck yea!
Have you seen the movie snake&mongoose its not avalibol in Sweden om not a happy camper
Have you seen the movie snake&mongoose its not avalibol in Sweden om not a happy camper
Yea man! It’s more on point (more personal) and better in that way than Ford vs Ferrari which is really good as well.
The Greek, The Snake, and "Big." Who'd a thunk a rough life on the road breathing nitro fumes would equate to a long life?

He sure as hell doesn't look 80 in those photos
Have you seen the movie snake&mongoose its not avalibol in Sweden om not a happy camper
Yea man! It’s more on point (more personal) and better in that way than Ford vs Ferrari which is really good as well.