Chipped spline on 8.75 axle...let it go or change it???



Ace of Spades ♠️
Sep 19, 2018
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Should I replace this axle because of the will only be used on racing..will it destroy my internals ?

I would file it smooth (jeweler's files) then sand it with some fine sand paper, make sure there are no loose pieces.....should b good to go!!!:steering::steering::steering:
I would do this just so there are no sharp edges.
Yes, except that the spine was hit on one side and might have deformed the adjacent side of the spline. If it is deformed it will cause interference. I would make sure that the side adjacent to the chip is not deformed, if it is it should filed flat or so that it doesn't cause a problem.
I would file it smooth (jeweler's files) then sand it with some fine sand paper, make sure there are no loose pieces.....should b good to go!!!:steering::steering::steering:
Yep, dress it up. Should be good to go
Take a Dremel with about a 1/4 - 3/8 round stone and blend the bottom. On the ends, use the stone to create radii which will eliminate any stress risers.
If you are running 11 second or slower quarters with an automatic car go ahead and run it. If you are running 12.5 second or faster quarters with a manual you should replace it. In either case I would move it to the port side of the car.
Take a small file to it and file off any sharp edges. This will prevent any stress cracks later. Then run hell out of it.
how it get chipped? if it fail and hit something or did it come out of rear end like that? also depends on your use too 400 hp run it, 1500 maybe not!