Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning. Waiting on cops to show. Update soon. Break in
Yo WV64, yellow buttons are likely hood safety switches. Hood flies up they kill motor. Likely disconnected after track years.

Thought a bit about that but they set low on the fender so no contact with anything. I'm going to chase wires today if I get some time.
Just waiting on the sun to appear, so I can finish the driveway project.
Looks like good weather for it.
Sat on my *** driving all day yesterday, but well worth it.
Be on my knees today, pounding bricks.
Oh boy, I hope HOPPY and Karl don't read that last line.
Morning all have a great day.

Morning Ray...

Hahah... I've had a few posts that I've done quick reviews before hitting send and changed wording.
Yesterday i got the vacuum powered fan mounted to the dash. I dont think it does much, but it sure is damn cool! Started making a template to mount the salvaged heater i cleaned up and painted. 6volt, general consensus it will work fine if i use a rheostat to slow it diwn some. The heater core is massive and leak free..
Today i has go help my buddy hang a couple stirm doors at his in laws place. Should go quick.
Good Morning All! Over 114,000 customers no power during this storm they named "Summer Streak Breaker" and no communications failures in my 4 counties so I didn't get called out woo hoo! Still could today, fingers crossed that I don't, still have clean up to do.
Good Morning All! Over 114,000 customers no power during this storm they named "Summer Streak Breaker" and no communications failures in my 4 counties so I didn't get called out woo hoo! Still could today, fingers crossed that I don't, still have clean up to do.

Nothing like being the uncalled on-call.