UTG caught and guilty ?? More evidence coming in....



Utube channel 318willrun
FABO Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
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3rd circuit judge of the fourth district of Tennessee has charged Tony of living rent free (or not paying rent) in at least 12 people's minds. More may come forward. District Attorney has declared Tony, fonder of UTG, has fully occupied the entire residency without payment. Even though a court order of eviction has been filed, the mind owners cannot move forward with the eviction. As to date, Tony continues to occupy each resident, although small, without any sign of leaving. The question that has been raised to the court asking how long can Tony occupy the mind before he has squatters rights and becomes owner? Most of the residence that have been occupied are members of FABO. The story continues to unfold, and many more cases may become apparent as time goes on. Tony has filed a counter suit against each resident owner of stated property(s) stating all properties have abandon of residency, and condemned by the state (of mind) they live in. Stay tuned, and read below .
Well I really don't know why he would call himself 318willrun, obviously he should be called 360 willrunbetter!!!!!

Now that, folks, is some seriously funny ****. I suspect the number if victims is WAY more than just a dozen. Just sayin'...
I was being silly. With all the UTG posts here… I figured you were being silly as well.
He’s Waldo’s brother but I can’t find Waldo.
Last seen in a Van Halen video….
Me too. How's the weather there? It's dangerously cold here.
How dangerous is it? Gonna be -20F here tonight. Had 50 mph gusts last night. -70F windchill factor. Kind of unprecedented . Might break a record tonight.
How dangerous is it? Gonna be -20F here tonight. Had 50 mph gusts last night. -70F windchill factor. Kind of unprecedented . Might break a record tonight.
Going to BE-30F tomorrow night. Wind gusts up to 30 mph. From Thursday through Sunday it's going to be the coldest it's been in 30 years.
Going to BE-30F tomorrow night. Wind gusts up to 30 mph. From Thursday through Sunday it's going to be the coldest it's been in 30 years.
Wow. That seems crazy for Missouri. Stay safe. Frostbite in about 5 minutes at thise those temps.

The local born and raised Floridians feel it’s cold. When it goes down to the 30’s, I’ll be out in a sweat shirt as I haven’t shed much of the NY’er out of me yet. It’s only been a year and a half. The cold here is VEEEEEY different! I don’t like it.

I worked outside fixing heavy equipment on LI. Coldest I’ve worked in was the Low -20*’s which is pretty cold for the island. Not to fond of single digit highs myself but, that’s what it was. Work in it I did.
Vehicle needs brakes, they got done!