Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning Mopar Sure Grip Group !!
I'm sure I've had the Covid a few times. Tested positive in Viet Nam 2 years ago, but never had any symptom's. She tested me three days later, and I was clear. I know I had it since then also, but I must be a assomatic.. ... Lucky Me.... :thumbsup:
Good Morning everyone. I hope all is well. @Maxcustody I had the "vid" 2 years ago. Was very sick for 10days. I ended up getting the monocolonal antibody treatment, was better in 24hrs. Get better soon brother..
So when we went up for the funeral, in my dad's old house he had this cool O scale? train that went around under the ceiling in the back sunroom. Daughter started crying when she saw it because of the memories. Well my stepbrother took it all down and shipped it to me for her. Pretty cool. Might fit in the truck, huge boxes!
So when we went up for the funeral, in my dad's old house he had this cool O scale? train that went around under the ceiling in the back sunroom. Daughter started crying when she saw it because of the memories. Well my stepbrother took it all down and shipped it to me for her. Pretty cool. Might fit in the truck, huge boxes!

That's pretty cool Hop. Great memory
And here I always thought that it was when someone was asking $1,000 for a $20 part.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Holy crap just checked my crpto, something happened this AM all of them took a nose dive this am?
Holy crap just checked my crpto, something happened this AM all of them took a nose dive this am?

Only thing I read was that the Treasury Department was talking about increased focus and going after money laundering in crypto... Seems like the rabbits might be running
Just have a little in it to play with. Been iffy the last 6 months. Think Dukey has a interest in it.
Colder this morning. -13 Celcius.
A little piece to finish on fender, then i call it a wrap. Shoot some zinc primer and call them done. For now.
Colder this morning. -13 Celcius.
A little piece to finish on fender, then i call it a wrap. Shoot some zinc primer and call them done. For now.
I must say they look great, supe job TJ
Boy they are hyping this storm coming. To many if's with it. The sky is falling AGAIN!
There's a storm just missing us to the north, snow and a bunch I think, be here Friday, just rain, but Tuesday and Wensday snow is being predicted, like I said before I don't like there predictions out past 3 day.