Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mindless surfing


20 people here yesterday afternoon for a party. Started around 1:00pm Lasted until about 7:00 p.m.
Been up since about 7:00am here. It makes it 8:00 p.m. there. I don't work out on Sundays. I go to Church. Came home from Church drinking a couple of beers. Probably going to take a nap. Who knows what the day holds
Time for me to go to bed. Nighty Noghy
Here's an update on that house upgrade just down the street from me by the cafe. You can see that the women here are also not lazy. They often employ them on these construction jobs. This woman is mixing concrete or brick cement and loading it in buckets and handing it up.Kkkkkk

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Here is a seldom seen sight that I caught on camera a few days ago. You almost never see a Vietnamese woman this Big Also looks like she is feeding her daughter well...Kkkkkkk..
Send lawyers, guns and money.... the **** has hit the fan
Oh umm yeah umm if we talking about the country, we’ve tried two of those, I pray the second never happens but history is not on ourside
Morning all another crappy day in store for us with wind and rain.
I can't think of any other place I'd rather start my day than here with you all and a cup of coffee...thanks!!