Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart



Blazing Apostle
Jun 1, 2007
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Where the red fern grows
I rarely go into Wal-Mart and avoid it if possible.
We got refused entrance last week (see picture).
I told the man “Thanks, that’s another reason for me not to shop at Wal-Mart.”
I mean it’s not like it’s a Great Dane on a leash.
(Ever heard of the "Container Rule" for animals?)
And don’t tell me about food rules. Automotive and the pet departments are on the far side of the store from the food. I take her into other “Marts” with no problem (won’t name names). And at the mall. the food court is right down the block from the pet store.


(received the following this morning)


This should boggle your mind!!
And scare you as well!

1.At Wal-Mart, Americans spend $36,000,000 every hour of every day.

2 This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4.Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.

5.Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private employer. And most can't speak English

6.Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the World.

7.Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only 15 years.

8.During this same period, 31 Supermarket chains sought bankruptcy (including Winn-Dixie).

9.Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10.Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are SuperCenters; this is 1,000 more than it had 5 years ago.

11.This year, 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at a Wal-Mart store.
(Earth's population is approximately 6.5 billion.)

12.90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart

13 Let Wal Mart bail out Wall Street & The Auto


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Personally, I will never shop there. I won't support them. I'll drive further just to get something from another store. They are a prime example of how a monopolizing corporation can influence and brainwash America.

I don't shop at Walmart either,but pets don't belong in any store unless its the pet shop...is that a dog in your jacket??...
While I understand your statement.
I for one am of the opinion. Pets are to stay at home. They are your pets, not everyone elses. I dont need to see them, I dont need to hear them.. etc.. I have dealt with people bringing there little lovable pooches to the dealership. The little animals have peed, yapped, barked, torn stuff up... and the owner sits there and cuddles the little mongrel going " oh be quiet little snookies" ya....pets are for your house. Im not saying that your dog does this... but if we let one in they all have to come in. Simple solution... No pets allowed. Not to mention there are lots of people alergic to pets...not what retailers need. Please answer me this too because I dont understand this with pet owners. Why do they need to go to the store with you ? Are they looking for something ?

I can think alot of reasons to avoid Wal-mart... and if they allowed pets in it... that would be a reason for me to avoid Wal-mart. So its a catch 22 for them.

..just my thoughts and opinon. Not judging anyone.

I guess I would side with RPM and Wal-Mart on this one. If my dogs (labs) are not allowed somewhere, then I don't see why any others should be allowed there. I don't think size or breed should be used in these arguments for the same reason I don't agree with city bans on pit bulls etc. It seems like too many folks are treating their pocket dogs like accessories rather than like dogs.
Don't you like to try on your sweater before you buy it?
She needed one.
And she wanted to go.
No, she didn't tell me in so many words.
They just want to be with people they love.
Funny, dogs are like that.
And if someone is that alergic, they might want to consider staying home anyway.
Never know what might be in the air, considering some people's hygene.
"And if someone is that alergic, they might want to consider staying home anyway."

not trying to start anything here, but that is one of the most ignorant and arrogant statements that i've ever heard. i AM allergic to most furry animals and you think I should stay home just so you can take your dog into the store?? geez, thats pretty selfish.
from looking at the amount of dog hair on your coat, the dog probably did need a sweater.

So if you are allowed to take in your small dog, it would be ok to take in a great dane. Correct ?

and to chime in on the allergic thing. I am not allergiceto dogs. However I know people that are. Pets have dander which some people are highly allergic to. They dont go to farms, or pet stores. They avoid these places. Wal-mart is neither of those places so its a safe place for people to go as long as the people that tell you you cant come in with the animal does their job.

I am not against owning pets, I had them before. They never needed to go to the store, to the bank, to the restraunt or anywhere I went. I know this because they were just as excited and happy to see me when I got back.
Ummm, yeah.

Dogs don't belong in these places except for the genuine assist dogs.

This isn't a new policy, dude.
Im a dog lover and I have to say that before I had kids my dogs WERE my kids. Then they became loved family pets. As much as I love dogs, this past Thanksgiving my sister let her 2 large dogs (a lab and a greyhound) run the house free and were all over the dinner table when we were trying to eat. No complaints because its hers, and theirs, home. Bottom line is that even if your dog is trained and well behaved it doesnt mean that everyone elses is. 1 "accident" inside any store is too many and they simply cant trust everyone to be as responsible as you probably are. If 1 person is allowed to bring their dog in then they have to let everyone do it.
I dont get it at all. What does Walmarts current position in the retail market have to do with a dog wannabe under your coat ? Mice, snakes, and every other of Gods creatures should be allowed inside public stores because they make a huge profit ?
If I need a coat that I can fit my Alaskan Huskie under.. where do you suggest I shop for it ? When we cross paths in a store and my dog eats your dog.. who's responsible ?
A can of Alpo is 89 cent, thats 9 dog dollars !
Sorry Adriver, but i agree, I dont think people should bring thier dogs in the store and mall either. Unless they are guide dogs. Hey i love dogs, but its just wrong. Especially the little ones, dont they pee when they get over excited?.
We were at the mall a few weeks ago, and in the food court eating, when a family came in with their little dog, sat down, and started eating next to us. My wife got pissed. This is a place where people come to eat. Theres no reason to bring your F'n dog there. Since we were the only ones that said anyhing, and it seems to be completely exceptable, we decided to come back the next week with our loving Pit mix. They didnt like it, and wanted us to take him out, Why??? If your gonna allow animals in a mall, where is it stated that there is a size restriction? My dogs calmer then an ankel biter! whats the big deal? Maybe next week, i'll walk a horse through, just to prove a point.
Redfish is right.

Well, she hasn't peed in my shirt yet.

Malls? Never any problem in the mall with her.
Again, they HAVE pet stores there.
What are you to do if you buy a pet? Beat a hasty retreat?
So where does that fall, in our set in concrete rule book that leaves out common sense? (Think government and zero tolerance)
My mother in law sat in a mall with some puppies (in a box) to find them a good home.

Now, you're either a dog person or not.
No "winning" on this one, I know.
Just different perspectives and a heads up or heads in as the case may be.
I do most, If not all of my shopping at our Tractor Supply Store.
Socks, to tools and all my dog food, The last 3 to 4 lawn mowers are
from our Tractor Supply Store.
If I do have to go to the wally world store it is early in the morning 3 to 4 am
and pick up some fishing gear I found out I needed the day next day.
And No I do not shop there unless I have got to.

You can ask my wife, I just will not do it.
We have folks in this town I like to support even if it cost me an extra 20 percent more.

As far as the doggie thing, I take them fishing walking and a drive maybe.
I love animals and want them to be happy not unhappy.
Bottom line, Don't worry be happy.

I don't think socket would have like it in a store anyway.

cook and fish 084.jpg
My two cents...

Unless it's a guide dog, dogs have no place in stores/business establishments unless the are specifically for those animals.

Dogs ARE NOT people. If people choose to view their dogs as children/people or equal to people, that's their issue and the rest of society in general doesn't take the same viewpoint. I loved my dogs, however, they were dogs. Nothing to do with "dog person" or not, it's a general consideration for those around you.

I used to run a business that had nothing to do with pets. When people brought animals into the store, they were asked to keep the pets outside. Ever see a dog trying to take a dump while it's getting drug by a leash to get outside before "splashdown"? Yeah that's real pleasant for the dog. The times it hit the deck in my store, the offenders (owners IMO, not the dogs) wanted no part in cleaning it up.

The health department takes a very poor viewpoint of animals in areas where food is sold/consumed.

I'm not bashing with this post.

I would like to thank Paris "skank" Hilton for this current "carry my dog" around situation. That is a bash!
Malls? Never any problem in the mall with her.
Again, they HAVE pet stores there.
What are you to do if you buy a pet? Beat a hasty retreat?
So where does that fall, in our set in concrete rule book that leaves out common sense? (Think government and zero tolerance)
My mother in law sat in a mall with some puppies (in a box) to find them a good home.
Ever notice that even though there are pet store in malls, they don;t take the dogs for a walk through the mall itself for exercise? It's because the entire mall isn't a pet store. Since you order your lunch in the food court, does that also mean that they can prepare that same food on one of the benches elsewhere in the mall - silly analogy, but your point was silly as well.

The comment about government an zero tolerance is silly too -it's about common sense and respect for your fellow members of society. I find it funny that every person who cries "zero tolerance" shows that same lack of tolerance for the other people around them. How do we know your dog doesn't have ticks or flees that can be carried home by another shopper. Regardless of the distance across the store, animals shouldn't be allowed in ANY store that serves or sells human food goods - period. It's unsanitary, and it's an unnecesary risk just because YOUR DOG wanted to go shopping w/ you.

BTW - I am a dog lover w/ a 120lb mastiff/shepard mix, so I AM a dog person.

Last thing - if you wanted to get a sweater for the dog, and try it on - take it to a PET store where they welcome the 4-legged friends and have a ball.
I'm a hugh dog lover,what is in your shirt i would'nt call a dog,and if it some how got loose in the mall would probably be mistaken for a big rat...so to be on the safe side it should stay at home..
Actually, the County Board of Health prevents animals inside stores where food is sold. The store can be fined or shut down for infractions.
Damn shame, but in a town like McAlester, OK. it's yhe only place to shop. whis I could boycot them sombitchs. 2cents leave um at home unless their service animals.
i work for a parts store when people bring there dogs in we never say a word its fine by us
I remember a post I made last summer about "Why can't I bring my dog to the bar?". I was joking at the time but I think it would be pretty cool to hang with my buds while being social. :) I have never brought my dogs into a place of business other than the vet or (insert name of favorite pet food store). Now if a business such as the parts store that swinger340 mentions allows my dog, they'll get my money.

Interestingly, a liquor store close to my house has a giant German Shepherd behind the counter that just kinda hangs and watches everyone. The owners of the liquor store are of asian decent and small of stature. I imagine that Mr. German Shepherd gives them a great deal of security in the somewhat rough hood I live in. I never asked if I could bring my dog in, although some day I might but I would never presume. It's their business, not mine.

I wish I could bring my buds everywhere including my work but I know other people would be uncomfortable with it, plus there are laws as previously mentioned that prevent any business that sells/serves food to allow dogs. The exception to the rule is service dogs and service dogs in training.

Your little guy is a cute one, but where would store owners draw the line? I'm sure the insurance companies have a lot to do with the rules too. We dig our furry 4 legged pack members but in the end, people must come first.
I have a dog. I love my dog. She is a good dog. She stays at home. Where dogs belong. I hate it when people bring there little yappy dog in to the store. I try to not say anything and be nice. But it is hard when you have a little rat trying to bite your shins. I just want to kick the little SOB's across the room.
My Wife takes our Yorkie everywhere, but she carries him in a purse type black shoulder bag that has mesh sides so he can breathe and nobody knows he is there unless he makes some noise, and it's sometimes embarassing because she starts saying "No!, you can't do this here!" or "You're not gonna start this now, no!" and people look at her like she's nuts or that she yelling at me...LOL!
He growled at a checkout guy once, and startled him, but he cracked up when he realized why her purse scared the crap out of him, ha, ha.

I really don't see a big deal if the pup is in one of those bags, but stuffing it into your jacket with all that hair just looks plain nasty like you are a homeless dude and the pup may be your next meal for all they know.

Dude, no offense, but I doubt if I would let you into my establishment either looking like that, that's pretty nasty....LOL.