A Road Sign That Always Confuses Me (and always will)



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
For some reason when I see this sign, I don't know what it wants me to do, or not do. On the other hand, the sign that has an arrow and says "ONE WAY", that one I get right away.

road sign.png
... no right turn...

Most times it there beacuse its a single lane to your right and folks cant merge with the people who have right away so at some point they just made it a no right turn.

Or it is a one way street going to your left and they letting you know not to go that way?

I hope this is a joke post?
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Honest to goodness they were mounted on the same roadside post in just that position.
"So I guess this is a Deer leaping over Bears zone. I better slow down. Or maybe park and watch."

For some reason when I see this sign, I don't know what it wants me to do, or not do. On the other hand, the sign that has an arrow and says "ONE WAY", that one I get right away.

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It's funny that you posted this because when I was 15 getting my learners permit to drive that was the one and only question that I missed. And if you miss one road sign you fail the whole thing and have to come back another day. I knew what the sign ment! It means no right turn! Me being dyslexic haha I chose no left turn! Haha I know my left from my right I just got excited nervous whatever you call it and messed up! Hahaha but that sign means no right turn! Its usally at an intersection where the adjacent street is one way!
I know what it means when I sit here at home and look at it. However, on the road I always have to do a double take to figure out which way they don't want me to turn. For me, it's a hundred times easier to interpret the signs with the arrow that includes the words "one way", there is no need to figure out right and left with that type of signage.
I know what it means when I sit here at home and look at it. However, on the road I always have to do a double take to figure out which way they don't want me to turn. For me, it's a hundred times easier to interpret the signs with the arrow that includes the words "one way", there is no need to figure out right and left with that type of signage.

Are you dyslexic ?