Be careful



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2017
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So this happened to my old man on the way home from a car show last night. Broke down along the road trying to track down a blown fuse,a passerby is standing at the back of the vehicle with his cell phone light waving traffic around.
Some stupid woman almost runs over the guy waving and hammers the car before hitting my old man.

Luckily the car took most of the force and dad limped away with a broken leg.

Watch out for dumbasses they will stare right at you and hit you!





Here's wishing your dad a speedy and complete recovery. I hope the car can be repaired.
Damn man, I'm really glad your dad wasn't injured more than he was. I know you both are sick about the car.

The roads got tremendously more dangerous when the high schools stopped teaching driver's education. People are just clueless about how to drive. Or...they are ignorant about life in general, like the 15 year old in Washington state who took a relative's car for a joy ride and wanted to "mess" with a jogger by just "bumping" him from behind going 50 mph. Killed him

She should be going to jail for murder, but will be tried as a juvenile and be free at 21.
That sucks. Was the passenger standing in front of the tail light on the left side.
Dad was half in the car under the dash. The passer by was standing at the driver tail light side. Lucky he isn't dead!
Wow that really sucks! But the car can be replaced, your dad cannot....glad he’s ok and hopefully the car can be bummer
Sorry that really hurts! I live in PA and the women are fat stupid ugly cigarette smoking scanks that can't stop texting while they tailgate you.
Yep< I was driving around much of yesterday. I watched multiple women run red lights and pull out in front of people. the have their hands free cell phone so their mouth is going a mile a minute and they cant drive and talk.
most people don't look as far as the front of their own car. hope your dad gets better soon
Damn, hate to see that, hope your dad is okay.
I still remember my Drivers Ed. instructor saying " you steer towards what your looking at, keep your eyes on the road "
So did I read that right? The driver kept going?
Whatever you stare at, you'll hit, ie; parked cars, people and potholes. Happens every day and night. Low level, non attentive morons who can't do jumping jacks. Glad no one was killed.
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Glad your dad's injury's are not more severe.

The damage looks bad but is fixable.
Sorry to hear this, and glad your dad's going to be okay.
That Road Runner looked to be in very nice shape before this.
Hopefully, it can be repaired.
I would contact a lawyer asap and get the ball rolling on suing her *** for all that she's got and then some.
Also, I sure hope drugs or alcohol weren't involved on her part.
If they are, then her *** is in deep **** already and the accident to top it all off..........
Sorry to hear that and hope he has good collectors car insurance that takes good care of him. Glad it wasn't worse with his injuries
I see it all the time, people mostly woman driving down the road with their finger up their *** and their mind in Arkansas! Your dad and the helper were very lucky.
Wow, so sorry about this, but glad your Dad was not anymore seriously hurt. I always feel safer on the racetrack than on the roads with all the clueless idiots driving.
Cars have become too much like airplaces with the complicated AC/ heater and radio / "entertainment" controls, and then there's texting/ cellphones. I see this EVERY day. There's a straight section of residential street here, 9th, which runs "uptown." It is not particularly heavily traveled. Whenever I meet someone on that road I LOOK at them, and more than half the time, their eyes are "down" in the cockpit. It is frustrating and disturbing.

VERY sorry to see my favorite car model all beat up, and VERY sorry to hear your Dad was hurt. "Us old guys" cannot afford much of that!!!