Stop in for a cup of coffee

Gotta get to work, have some stuff that broke over the weekend but could wait till my favorite day to fix, Monday. Have a Great Day All!
Dont worry he has five of them must have owned a gym?
A couple local boys are constantly destroying decent cars. I have been able to buy a couple big blocks from them but have been unsuccessful to save the cars
Good morning people. I would think a 4dr hard top wouldn’t be a best choice for a derby car. Those 880 cars get no respect
Interesting thing with these boys....they do not like the big blocks. They claim the 318 is much more bullet proof
Pass the bourbon. I don’t know if I’ve ever dealt with as much pure stupidity in the military combined in my 19 years as I did in just the last two days.

Unit 1: Hey here’s an idea, let’s drive around closed shiny red gates and into the direct line of fire of 50 cals firing… gets chewed up over public radio and a huge investigation started.

Unit 2: hey, hold my beer, let’s drive into the impact range where mortars are landing… gets an even bigger *** chewing over the radio … investigation 2

Unit 3(f$$king jarheads): hey, hold our crayons, we couldn’t think of any better ideas so we’ll just drive onto the 50 cal range in a mini van and get shot at too…

Unit 4: hey, we can top all that, we’ll have our op4 conduct a raid inside contonement with blanks and arty simulators and trigger the active shooter alerts… locking down the fort.

And those were only the major incidents..
I give up. Can I retire NOW?!?!?
You should retire.