Heart Attack



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
May 28, 2004
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Well, it hit me Monday afternoon. Called 911, went to the ER, no sirens. Doc checked me out, gave me more nitro. Ruled outa blood clot from my recent hand surgery. Confirmed with the on call cardiologist. Since I wasn’t showing symptoms so the sent me home with nitro.

Got up the next morning, Tuesday, did some things around the house then at around 10:30 chest pains hit, took a nitro, no affect, took another 5 minutes later and no change, maybe worse. 911 again, paramedics hooked me up to the EKG and the readings were all over the place. After them giving me a handful of aspirin and more nitro they loaded me up and off we go, sirens blazing. Got to the ER, they were ready in case I went into cardiac arrest. After more nitro and some pain med the wheeled me down the hall. Hooked me up to another EKG. Laying there I saw my wife watching the EKG (retire cardiac nurse) she suddenly got excited and told the nurses there that the EKG was going crazy. Two techs showed up within a few minutes and wheeled me to the cath lab.

Ended up with two stents in an artery that was 90% blocked. Went back in the next day and got three stents in another artery that was 90% blocked

See the doc on Tuesday, I’m hoping they don’t decided they need to do bypass.
Sorry to hear. Hope those stents work out for ya'. No fun when they need to break in!
Best wishes!
Stay positive!
Well, it hit me Monday afternoon. Called 911, went to the ER, no sirens. Doc checked me out, gave me more nitro. Ruled outa blood clot from my recent hand surgery. Confirmed with the on call cardiologist. Since I wasn’t showing symptoms so the sent me home with nitro.

Got up the next morning, Tuesday, did some things around the house then at around 10:30 chest pains hit, took a nitro, no affect, took another 5 minutes later and no change, maybe worse. 911 again, paramedics hooked me up to the EKG and the readings were all over the place. After them giving me a handful of aspirin and more nitro they loaded me up and off we go, sirens blazing. Got to the ER, they were ready in case I went into cardiac arrest. After more nitro and some pain med the wheeled me down the hall. Hooked me up to another EKG. Laying there I saw my wife watching the EKG (retire cardiac nurse) she suddenly got excited and told the nurses there that the EKG was going crazy. Two techs showed up within a few minutes and wheeled me to the cath lab.

Ended up with two stents in an artery that was 90% blocked. Went back in the next day and got three stents in another artery that was 90% blocked

See the doc on Tuesday, I’m hoping they don’t decided they need to do bypass.
Damn, You need a bypass. Stents are just to save your life. Open heart surgery isn't bad. If I can do it so can you.
Well, it hit me Monday afternoon. Called 911, went to the ER, no sirens. Doc checked me out, gave me more nitro. Ruled outa blood clot from my recent hand surgery. Confirmed with the on call cardiologist. Since I wasn’t showing symptoms so the sent me home with nitro.

Got up the next morning, Tuesday, did some things around the house then at around 10:30 chest pains hit, took a nitro, no affect, took another 5 minutes later and no change, maybe worse. 911 again, paramedics hooked me up to the EKG and the readings were all over the place. After them giving me a handful of aspirin and more nitro they loaded me up and off we go, sirens blazing. Got to the ER, they were ready in case I went into cardiac arrest. After more nitro and some pain med the wheeled me down the hall. Hooked me up to another EKG. Laying there I saw my wife watching the EKG (retire cardiac nurse) she suddenly got excited and told the nurses there that the EKG was going crazy. Two techs showed up within a few minutes and wheeled me to the cath lab.

Ended up with two stents in an artery that was 90% blocked. Went back in the next day and got three stents in another artery that was 90% blocked

See the doc on Tuesday, I’m hoping they don’t decided they need to do bypass.
Best of luck to you from a fellow heart patient. Keep a cool breeze attitude, it helps physically.
Prayers for continued healing. Listen to your doctors, take your meds daily, watch the stress, walk if you can, and double up on the sex. 24 plus years running on 3/4’s of my heart. PS check out the girls of Walmart every chance you get.
Well, it hit me Monday afternoon. Called 911, went to the ER, no sirens. Doc checked me out, gave me more nitro. Ruled outa blood clot from my recent hand surgery. Confirmed with the on call cardiologist. Since I wasn’t showing symptoms so the sent me home with nitro.

Got up the next morning, Tuesday, did some things around the house then at around 10:30 chest pains hit, took a nitro, no affect, took another 5 minutes later and no change, maybe worse. 911 again, paramedics hooked me up to the EKG and the readings were all over the place. After them giving me a handful of aspirin and more nitro they loaded me up and off we go, sirens blazing. Got to the ER, they were ready in case I went into cardiac arrest. After more nitro and some pain med the wheeled me down the hall. Hooked me up to another EKG. Laying there I saw my wife watching the EKG (retire cardiac nurse) she suddenly got excited and told the nurses there that the EKG was going crazy. Two techs showed up within a few minutes and wheeled me to the cath lab.

Ended up with two stents in an artery that was 90% blocked. Went back in the next day and got three stents in another artery that was 90% blocked

See the doc on Tuesday, I’m hoping they don’t decided they need to do bypass.
Hoping they get you fixed up.
The good news is they found something. Hopefully they got it all fixed up. Prayers for you my friend.
Damn, You need a bypass. Stents are just to save your life. Open heart surgery isn't bad. If I can do it so can you.
I now have a total of 8 stents. I’m not sure which arteries were involved this time.
Stay sharp, and walk with a happy and silly mind set helps, don't let anything get you near upset. Take meds like clock work, not sure if sex is a good idea till you are cleared for it.
I am 66, hart doctor said I have beuityful arteries, thats her words, I eat like a rabbit 3 times a day, drink a mixed drink and possibly two 5 times a week, couple beers .. now this is a new practice, I have been known to drink with the best of them just ask @Sublime one

Don't recall your age, and like was said here in this thread open hart sergury is nothing like it use to be.
You are now in my daily prayer for streagth, healing and humbleness.
Thoughts are with you. Listen to the doctor and follow their advice, get a second opinion if you think, but at that point, they will probably tell you the same thing.
Wow! That's a scary ordeal. I hope you heal up and get well again.
Why the hell didn't they take you straight to the Cath Lab Monday?!
My dad just had OHS in February. He's 69. Doing well now I hope the same for you man! Keep us updated.
Wishing you the best. I had a triple bypass in 2020 as an elective.
My blockage was 90% in the widow maker at a main junction. Stent not viable as it would block blood flow at the junction.
Doc told me I had the choice: meds [would be back in a few years by ambulance] or bypass [young at 66 better chances of survival], choice was an easy one.
Now, back in 2011, I had my first stress test, always out of breath, no stamina. etc.
Test revealed previous unknown heart attacks, so I ended up with a defibrillator.
Never went off.
Bypass surgery is better and more common these days, and hospitals are better equipped and staffed. Trust in your doctor and especially your wife.
Wishing you well stay positive.
Stay strong brother.
Wishing you the best.
I'm one of the ones that can relate to you in one way or other.
Got a cow valve on my heart now, 4 years ago.
Had EKG's done, Friday, and the results all came back a ok.
Hang in there.
I’m glad that they were able to get to the hospital. I had a heart attack and didn’t know it until a quad bypass later. That was five years ago hopefully we have a bit more time. As. stated above get plenty of exercise and eat right . Good luck to you.