12th DUI



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May 24, 2009
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HELENA, Mont. -- A 53-year-old Helena man has been convicted of his 12th DUI offense.
A jury deliberated for about three hours Wednesday before finding Charles R. Horton guilty of the felony. Sentencing has been scheduled for July 28.
Prosecutors say Horton was arrested in November after his car caught fire and became lodged in a snow bank after a night of drinking at a Helena bar. They say he continuously changed his story of the events of that night and acknowledged lying that his girlfriend was behind the wheel at the time of the incident.
The defense argued the vehicle became lodged in the snow bank when Horton was fending off an attack from his girlfriend.
Horton pleaded not guilty to the charge in January.
Well..I see two things right off the bat. 12th dui, and that it took the jury 3 hrs even after 11 priors, and a jacked up story. It sucks, police stop and arrest people like this and they get off easy and get licenses back, or drive while suspended. Heck get caught suspended and you can still get your license back fairly easy, or get a hardship license for going to work. But even if you get stopped with a hardship license in most states it just says conditional but doesn't show conditions . So u can't prove if they should be driving or not. Its a screwed up system.
You know what the real scarey part is, how many times has this POS driven drunk and not been caught. Maybe next time he drives drunk, and there will be a next time, he does society a big favour and wraps himself around a telephone pole. As long as he doesn't take anyone else with him he can become a Darwin statistic.
ummm after the 3rd one here in WI is 5 years in Prison, guess they have more lienient laws in Montana, this guy should be in prison for life after 12 IMO.
I say if you are a repeat offender then your vehicle should be taken away and auctioned off, then the proceeds put towards something useful. Like paying off the medical bills of the person they may have injured. Too many people keep getting away with this crap and the system doesn't do enough.
You know what the real scarey part is, how many times has this POS driven drunk and not been caught. Maybe next time he drives drunk, and there will be a next time, he does society a big favour and wraps himself around a telephone pole. As long as he doesn't take anyone else with him he can become a Darwin statistic.

I can't remember the numbers off the top if my head, but they say for the 1 time they are caught there's some crazy number that they have driven and not been caught. If I remember later ill look in my training docs and see.
Montana must be rediculously lenient. Here in Illinois, it took a friend of mine 3 years to get his license back, after a second one. That was about 8 years ago, and he has been fine since.

I got one in 93, in Kansas, and they put me through the wringer for over a year, nightly classes, treatment, seminars, weekend lock up retreats, on and on. Also, my insurance rates were sky hi for 5 years. We had four beers after a round of golf, and then drove home. BIG mistake, Big mistake.
Poor guy is a alcoholic and just won't quit. He more than likely lucky to still be alive after be caught 12 times. Just think of all the times he drove drunk without getting caught.

A fellow brought his car in the other day to have a broke windshield fixed. My boss told me that he was coming and that I will have to let him drive his car in the shop and also let me drive it out after we install the windshield. The car had a breathalyzer installed in it and fellow had to blow into it our the car wouldn't crank!!!
The car had a SC tag on it but that is first time I have ever seen anything like it. If he drinks he isn't going anywhere.

I have seen a guy that I know has painted his truck at least four times because he has been caught numerous times for DUI and driving under suspension. He just paints it a different color each time to keep a low profile from the law. LOL

I'm a recovering alcoholic and before I sobered up I have been stopped three times for DUI. I was heading for my fourth but I decided to quit so it never happened. There was more than once that the next morning I would get up and look out to see if my vehicle was out in the yard. I don't even remember coming home! That's bad but I don't have to worry about that any longer.

I've heard a horrible story about drinking and driving but it is too disturbing to share.
I love drinking and driving, too bad it's illegal.

Of corse ...I wasn't guy who could hardly stand getting behind wheel, more a 12 pack on the pass seat and a pleasure cruise around town.

But I retired that after my 2nd dui, none of which were accidents or bad driving, just time of night and another for having my filter leak onto the header....

I have a friend who killed a couple people in a dui, he said all he remembered was coming to an abrupt stop.

He did 5 yrs and got out, no dui's after that...though he still drove after beers..
After almost 20 years as a vol. fireman/EMT, I have seen it all.

I have testified in more veh. manslaughter cases than I care to remember.

I have even witnessed 2 of them and was involved in 1.

Terrible waste..

To those of you that have seen the light..good for you.

To those that continue..well you know how I feel.
Some of us have to wonder why we dont have 12 or more DUIs on our record too.
That guy is just down right unlucky.
No I'm not condoning drunk driving.
I remember many years of taking it too far just about nightly....I didn't get caught and used to think I drove very well drunk. That was 10+ years ago when I finally realized it was stupid and thank God never got caught or hurt anybody....now I drink at home or have somebody else drive after my 2nd beer....it is not worth it!
There is only two things they got up there. Drinking and cow tipping. Three if you count drunk cow tipping. YeeeHaaaaaa!!!!
Wow, this man is a danger to everyone. If I could make the law concerning drunk driving, it would go as follows;
First offense.... $5000.00 fine + court costs and 14 days in jail
Second offense..... $10,000 fine + court costs and 120 days in jail
Third offense...... License is revoked for life. $10,000 fine + court costs and 2 years in prison.
4 offense.... 25 years in prison
All this just makes me glad I don't drink. Course, that just means I have to watch out for the other drivers who do.
Wow, this man is a danger to everyone. If I could make the law concerning drunk driving, it would go as follows;
First offense.... $5000.00 fine + court costs and 14 days in jail
Second offense..... $10,000 fine + court costs and 120 days in jail
Third offense...... License is revoked for life. $10,000 fine + court costs and 2 years in prison.
4 offense.... 25 years in prison

This sounds like California already
Well living in Montana myself this stuff happens all the time the drunks just could really careless if they hurt anyone as long as they get to have fun just last night some kid died in an accident knowing the kid personally drinking was probally involved it's sad but true
1rst time a fine, 2nd time a bigger fine and 30 day suspension of your license.
Now the 3rd you get a giant fine and do 30 days in jail and no driving for a year.....
To get your licenses back after a year you go to driving classes......
And this is in Arkansas, one thing we are doing right and on time :happy3:.
No DUI's for me, just one stop light run when I was on call at 2:30 am where a new light was put up.
I enjoy sleeping in my car or truck.... or call my wife or sons.
Have I drove while drinking ? Yes ! Back in the day on the back roads out of town on the gravel roads, but don't even think of doing that anymore :glasses2:
This man should be in jail or walking, We have children and friends he is sharing the roads with...... Dang ink, how does this kind of thing happen ? Is he related to the mayor or something :cwm21::-(
Or are they waiting to see him hurt of worse kill some one so they can put him in jail :cwm21:
A buddy just got out of jail in AZ, for drunk driving. He called his wife to come and pick him up at the bar, she showed up and he decided to drive any way. He got stopped about 1000 feet from his house by a cop he grew up with. He was told by the cop that he has been watching him do this for years and just could not look the other way anymore. He did the suspension of the dl and jail time. He now has an igntion interlock for another year or so. ANother buddy got one for basicly being parked while drunk. He was in what he thought was a left turn lane at a light, but it was not a turn lane. Cop waited for the light to cycle a few times before he lit him up and told him that it was not a turn lane, noticed the smell and wrote him up. Any more than 1 beer and no driving for me.....
I haven't lived in Montana for 10 years, but there used to be a 3 strike rule there. Third strike was mandatory prison time. 3 or 5 years, I don't remember which. Either that rule has been repealed, or that dude knows some people.
That's disgusting. Hopefully he either gets jail time, or puts his *** into a wall on the 13th time to help clean the gene pool.