1966 D/Dart

Car Craft (August 1966)

One of the 'first' articles about the 1966 D Dart.

I remember when they were first introduced,

They were supposed to be '12.90 turn-key machines' from the factory,
which they were not.

1966 D/Stock (10.60 - 11.29 Wt/Hp Class)

Factory built in 1966, to be in direct competition with the
289/271 HP 'Hi-Po' Mustangs and 1961 Corvette's 283/270 HP 'Dual-Quads'.
Anybody know what clutch set up these cars came through the factory with.

Obviously not the stock Auburn 'slip special'.

I ran against a 1966 D Dart in 1968 in upstate New York, when they were classed in F/Stock.

The Dart ran 13.60's, around 103 MPH.
Just how many were built,

History states only '50'. Just how did they get classed in D/Stock for 1966,
when NHRA required a minimum of 500 factory built cars to qualify for Stock Class.

Backroom dealings with the NHRA, and rumors that the NHRA was going to expand
the Super/Stock class from S/S and S/SA with 3 more classes, (SS/A thru SS/D) which
they did not do in 1966.

The 1966 D/Dart would have been classed in SS/D, if the NHRA had gone through with their
Super Stock plans.
Good question about the clutch. What kind did it have. I know I couldnt keep one of those auburn style in my 66 Dart . Back in the day.
It was a Weber Clutch Package, with a 9.25" Clutch Disc.

Not sure on the spring pressure of the pressure plate, but it looks to
be around #2300 lbs.
Nice Post for Sharing Petty-Blu-Dart

Does it state anything about the Inland Shifter.
Yes,it mentions that on the street they had a hard time shifting 2nd-3rd gears.At the track they had no issues shifting.Its usually the opposite...easy on street,harder at the track.Who knows?LOL
The Holley #4160 List #3778 Carburetor was a 700 CFM unit with 1 11/16" throttles.

Does that article mention, an adapter-plate or modified intake carburetor openings.

The standard 273 4-barrel intake had 1 7/16" primary and 1 9/16" secondary openings.