2012 sucks



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
East Peoria,IL
I won't go in to detail but this year is almost over and Thank God.2012 I think has been the worst year of my life!
I won't go in to detail but this year is almost over and Thank God.2012 I think has been the worst year of my life!

I have not thought about it till I seen your post, But know that I think about it :book: This year ranks right up there to my worst one I had to endure.

I can't wait till 2013 to be here and I am glad this year is about behind us :cheers:
sorry to read about the bad year some have endeared ...wish a very happy new year to you !!
I agree...this has been the suckiest year I can remember in I don't know when. 2004 was bad for me, 2008 sucked pretty bad too. Damn! I'm dreading the hell outta 2016 if that pattern continues. :banghead:
My worst years since the Real Estate Crash were 2007-2010. Four shitty years in a row.
Seriously though it has been shitty since 2006. Going on 7 years now. 2011 was Ok, 2012 was better than 2011. This month is my best month in about 5 Years.

Remember, doing the same thing day after day and expecting a different result is the definition of CRAZY.
Do not wallow in it, move on.
Change it up with a different plan and your results will change for the better.
Tell me about it!
-unemployed for first six months and could not afford to go to my moms funeral in Feb.
-brother died in a freak accident in Oct.
-heart attack in November
-almost broke three weeks before Christmas
But the good news is I landed a nice job in July.

2013 has got to be better!
Amen brothers. 2013 is looking way better for me. Of course that's assuming we all make it past 12/21/2012.
Hey it's been great for me foodstamps welfare free schooling doesn't stipens ect doesn't that rock ??? Oh wait thats what my taxxes go for I work . I'm not sure it's gonna get much better ? Maybe worse but I don't put my faith in anything this world has to offer !! When it all comes down to it Im blessed beyond measure !! Jesus Is Lord !! God Bless . I do wish a Merry Christmas and happy new year to all !!!
same here 2012 has sucked pretty bad for me too i was unemployed first 4 months of the year got a job that lasted 3 months then plant closed been unemployed since. my dad was diagnosed with alztimers and hasnt been doin the best. my moneys been super tight and has done a number on marriage dont know how much longer were gonna last.the only real bright spot of 2012 was the birth of my daughter. come on 2013
Been unemployed since spring, worked for same company for 18yrs. Unemployment benefits don't quite cover mortage and bills slowly falling off the edge into the abyss. there won't be much celebrating goin on around here this holiday season. But on the bright side (there is always one) I haven't had any health issues this year which is good cause I don't have any insurance