4 inch cranks


dirty white boy

50 yr old Juvenal delinquent
Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
stoneville n.c.
any body know who makes MP cast 4 inch cranks?? did a serch and newest info was 2012 and seemed unclear then,..thanks for any info!
I have seem some complaints here about their cast stroker cranks though.
I never herd of any complaints about the scat cast crank .... now the eagle cast crank that's a different story .
Scat here, I was recommended scat over eagle when I was looking. Better machining is what I was told.
Scat wouldnt have better machining, they should have better metallurgy. Many posts of a SCAT cast crank breaking? Plenty of stories on Eagle cast cranks breaking..but I bet they sold 10X more than Scat so run the numbers. As said, anything can break. Just build within your parts parameters.
I....believe if you think outside the Corporate norm....you would see light.
My current 408 build with a forged Scat Crank Kit. I would recommend them.


Ford ,Chev ,Dodge .....all good.....but when it comes Dodge or mopar ..we always pay for good sh*t . we have a limited out sores for parts
Just remember .... we all have a budget ... good parts are good money.
exactly! bout had my build plan with complete motor and some parts, if i do the 4 inch crank then im gonna need better heads, an intake...and there rolls the snow ball down the hill getting bigger as it gose! its a nice dream...if lotto hits, or something,.it just ant happing! gotta stick to my budget stock crank and heads! thanks for all the replys tho' lest now its known...