68 Dart 4-speed 318 on craigslist $1500

Sounds like a better idea if YOU call him! Don't let on of course that it's your car, at least not right away. It could be a way to lure people in for a scam, or worse. When you're done messing with him, report to CL immediately.

I guess it's possible the guy just didn't have a pic and found a pic of a similar car, but you'd think they'd say that.

And that said, I wish it was closer to me, so I could snag it for $1500 (if it really exists)!
Drive up in your car to see it.
They might have been twins separated at birth........
Why does there need to be secrecy, or did I misread this? Why can't you just call 'n find out?

Been a VERY long time since I've been to La Mesa. NAS Miramar, 70-74
If I get a chance maybe I'll check it out this weekend. I'll bring my Dart and see what he says when I tell him it's the car from the pic he used.