71 Swinger Dart/all Or Part

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this is a site with members who know the value of these cars and appreciates them.
as i said several times my angst is not directed towards the membership. i was venting and lamenting to this audience, and no i`m not looking for sympathy. the word EMPATHY is appropriate for the reasons i stated above.
oh i can be a smartypants because i know ALOT about Mopars, but really thats just in good fun. its a social, intellectual pursuit that includes the outdoors, seeing the sights...and going fast!
but this isn`t about me. its a car for sale. many try to make it about me and you must not have read this whole thread before you compared me to those who i`m whining about.
this is a car for sale and as the seller its my perogative to screen "buyers". my ads are always quite informative and have few requirements.
i`m very selective personally and buying or selling a car isn`t the personals ads...i`m not looking for a friend!
i don`t answer blocked or anonymous phonecalls ever...whether it involves selling a car or not!
i think anyone who is sincere in their interest to purchase the vehicle can show a first good faith gesture by including their phone number.
i don`t submit to the Spanish inquisition via email. i don`t allow anyone to "jackpot" me either. people who ask by email anonymously; "whats the least you`ll take for it?" if you wanna know what it takes to own it? you havto BUY IT! so put your money up...or shuddup!
worst of all tho are the emails saying its a piece of junk not worth $200 and these guys aren`t even offering to buy it. they`re just dumb*sses with nothing productive in their mind.
and threats to continue to harass me and even beat my *ss!
again; its a car for sale. its not about me and its not about you either.
if you don`t wanna buy it, why do you have to post and chastize me?
thats kinda scarey...its like a pre-stalking, over aggressive trait.

So..... If I get this right, you're tired of these a-holes that are not serious about your car and demean you for being a female, and need to grow up right? IMHO, you are asking a fair price and you seem to be knowledgeable in your car stuff. 'nuff said. If you are tired of these jerks, then why would you stoop to their level and present a persona that you are the same and no better than them by your responses and by being blatantly rude? The guy that wanted the battery hold down wanted an original one, not the generic crap you get at autozone, I'm tired of these people lately following the trend of "if I don't get what I want for it whole, I'll crush it", that's REALLY getting old. You are tring to work on the sympathies of us enthusiasts on this site (and it's not just you by the way) Your approach and attitude is lousy, who would buy this car or parts from you? If a car salesman/woman treated at a new car dealership treated you this way, you would walk away and say what a jerk,right? I have a lot of a-body cars for sale like yours (condition)as well as parts, for the same money,and am going through the same things as you trying to sell things, however, listening to dreamers, dickheads, and lowballers is part of the selling process as I've done this for several years and it'll never change regardless of your location,gender, race, looks, or whatever..... To sum it up, do you want to sell the car or not? It all depends on your attitude and people skills..... This is a good site and you know it with a lot of good people with good intentions, so quit this stupid crap out, that goes for all of you, not just you speedyvision, enough allready. Ether **** or get off the pot, Am I right?Or way off track?
If anyone disagrees, or agrees for that matter, e-mail me [email protected], pm, or post. If not, I'll crush all my posts! Tom.:poke:
is it sold? where in fla can i come and get it? any rust around back window? i havent read all the bs i dont need drama just some good sheet metal
No. Not a crazy woman at all, She's just an enthusiast that is tired of all the b.s. that's involved with selling a car and being screwed around..... we've all been there, done that, don't want the t-shirt. you all know what I mean. Somebody help this lady and buy the car, save it, and stop this. Honestly, this is the car that I wish that I could find, it's just too far away, 3,000 miles and I'm across the country, if it was within 500 miles, it would be sold for the asking price gladly, it has the color and the condition that i've always been looking for. I've got a soft spot for dark green '71 Swingers. The cars here are usually rusty and this one isn't at all from what I have seen. The shipping would cost me $2000 to get it here, plus duties and fees,so it just isn't worth it, that's what a lot of us face, speedyvision. Good luck with the sale. Tom. (403) 394-3730:cheers:
I've dealt with this airhead a couple of times over the last few months - she's a total nutcase, trust me on this one (if you can't tell by her posts) ... I mean totally whacked - even shows this same attitude on the Craigslist ads and any email correspondence - really, stand back and let her crush the the thing, anything in her life needs to be put out of it's misery. Watch her response to this...it's gonna be good. I'll get P.M.'s from her, too, but then I guess I'm askin' for it. Couldn't help but warn you guys -
All I can think to say; Poor Dart!
What a great car for $1000.00!
Does this car have the option code A65 on the fender tag?
Can an appt. be made to see and drive the car?
Yes, I will have the $1000.00 cash on me when I get there.

Bruce B.
(no, i`m not talking about you, but in general where its posted locally)

every body get along.he is not refering to us here. just talking about local tire kickers that will show up and want you to pay them to take it. we have all been there. i would be interested if it were closer. best of luck to you.
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