72 Dart Palomino Project

Hell of a glass shop. I got laughed at up north. Also followed by “Good luck w/dat chit!”
Got it down to metal and gave it a coat of primer, looks better than the Orange . Gonna sit for about a month due to a roadtrip back to MO for a couple more graduations and then a stay in the Smokey Mountains for a little R&R


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What I foresee is one of two things happening (WTF, I list 3??):
1) You will utterly blow the minds of all that observe with your ingenuity, creativity and skills
2) You will get frustrated and overwhelmed with the complexity of the project and quit
3) You will have lots of fun, impress nobody, and die knowing you did something special.

The three options are certainly not exclusive; I hope you have fun with it and give lip service (at best) to those that say negative things. I can certainly relate to to doing things others say cannot be done. I revere those that tread waters that others abandon. Be hero!!
What I foresee is one of two things happening (WTF, I list 3??):
1) You will utterly blow the minds of all that observe with your ingenuity, creativity and skills
2) You will get frustrated and overwhelmed with the complexity of the project and quit
3) You will have lots of fun, impress nobody, and die knowing you did something special.

The three options are certainly not exclusive; I hope you have fun with it and give lip service (at best) to those that say negative things. I can certainly relate to to doing things others say cannot be done. I revere those that tread waters that others abandon. Be hero!!
Well the way I see it is :::
#1 LOL, It was a piece of crap to start with, so no damage done !

#2 No reason to quit , even though it may still be a piece of crap when I'm finished !

#3 Don't know how special it will be , but at worst it will be kinda different !

Thanks for following along !
Well the way I see it is :::
#1 LOL, It was a piece of crap to start with, so no damage done !

#2 No reason to quit , even though it may still be a piece of crap when I'm finished !

#3 Don't know how special it will be , but at worst it will be kinda different !

Thanks for following along !
Hey I saw a chopped shortened charger this is way better than that. Should be interesting.
What I foresee is one of two things happening (WTF, I list 3??):
1) You will utterly blow the minds of all that observe with your ingenuity, creativity and skills
2) You will get frustrated and overwhelmed with the complexity of the project and quit
3) You will have lots of fun, impress nobody, and die knowing you did something special.

The three options are certainly not exclusive; I hope you have fun with it and give lip service (at best) to those that say negative things. I can certainly relate to to doing things others say cannot be done. I revere those that tread waters that others abandon. Be hero!!
LMAO! How true but yet we still forge on with the fun!
Be it our own or another’s.

Well the way I see it is :::
#1 LOL, It was a piece of crap to start with, so no damage done !

#2 No reason to quit , even though it may still be a piece of crap when I'm finished !

#3 Don't know how special it will be , but at worst it will be kinda different !

Thanks for following along !

Best reply of the year!
Again, how true. I totally agree with every statement as it fits my world as well. F’em, “I’m having fun!” And I don’t get a rats *** about your thoughts. Move along if you don’t like it.
What I foresee is one of two things happening (WTF, I list 3??):
1) You will utterly blow the minds of all that observe with your ingenuity, creativity and skills
2) You will get frustrated and overwhelmed with the complexity of the project and quit
3) You will have lots of fun, impress nobody, and die knowing you did something special.

The three options are certainly not exclusive; I hope you have fun with it and give lip service (at best) to those that say negative things. I can certainly relate to to doing things others say cannot be done. I revere those that tread waters that others abandon. Be hero!!
#4) Dave Kindig shows up knocking on your door.
On your glass issue. You need to just make a template and have some laminate glass cut to fit. No need to try to use the original tempered glass. I work at a glass shop now and we do it all the time for guys building hot rods.
Heating glass to conform to glass?

On your glass issue. You need to just make a template and have some laminate glass cut to fit. No need to try to use the original tempered glass. I work at a glass shop now and we do it all the time for guys building hot rods.
Picked up some 10" slots awhile back. To wide and tall for the rot box Palomino project, so whit what I had laying around it's coming together a little at a time.




Well the dart went under salt water during the hurricane, but still runs . Tranny still works but for how long I'll wait and see. I'll change the fluid and see what happens !


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Dam, that sucks. Hope it survives. After cleaning put a screen type (washable) filter maybe so it won't clog?
Well the dart went under salt water during the hurricane, but still runs . Tranny still works but for how long I'll wait and see. I'll change the fluid and see what happens !

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I'd get that ***** up in the air as high as I could, remove the filter and pressure wash the CRAP out of it. It'll be nasty as hell to do, but that'll probably save it.