72 duster Build progress

ok ....so.... I had been wanting to drive it ever since I moved it out of the garage so I decided to take it for a spin around the block........OH BOY LOL

rides soooooo smooth and runs great and the tires cut loose with ease with a little tap of the gas.

So cool driving it.

only dislike I would say I have with it would be I dont like the brakes.

I converted from power brakes to manual brakes.....so I know its not going to be perfect but I would like to fine tune it a bit atleast.

disc front,drums rear.....my brake system is fully blead off so there is no air in the lines anywhere, the rotors and pads up front were new when i got the car and I have put zero miles on them,everything is working correcty.

only thing I am not sure about is how great the rear brakes are because I have not pulled the drums off.

anyhow.....thats just a little thing I can worry about later....The best part is ...after a year I have FINALLY got to drive my duster!!!!:cheers:
Awesome! I thought about putting a grille like that on... But I am still waffling.. Looks great!
Consider me subscribed. I have a Plum Crazy '74 Duster that I'd like to freshen up, so until I have the funds, I can live vicariously through this thread!

Great attention to detail! It's stuff like that that wins trophies!
Consider me subscribed. I have a Plum Crazy '74 Duster that I'd like to freshen up, so until I have the funds, I can live vicariously through this thread!

Great attention to detail! It's stuff like that that wins trophies!

Thanks buddy....thats what I am hoping for LOL.

I havnt seen you around before...so I guess now is as good as a time as ever to say Welcome to fabo!!!
Thanks buddy....thats what I am hoping for LOL.

I havnt seen you around before...so I guess now is as good as a time as ever to say Welcome to fabo!!!

I just got my car about a month ago, so I'm new here! Thanks for the welcome!

I have a 2.5" header-back flowmaster system and it's PERFECT...not annoyingly loud but definitely noticeable.
Put my exhaust of PARTIALLY....sounds good.

I was told by the previous owner when the 489 8 3/4 rear was build just before I bought it that he had 4.10 gears installed out back.... I need to buy a speedo gear but before I did I figured I would double check and much to my surprise ....after doing the gearing calculations I found out it has 4.56 gears!!!! so even better yet!

Ohh and......I was contacted by Mopar Muscle Magazine and it looks like I might be getting into the magazine soon....so I will keep everyone posted on what I find out
Very cool on the magazine spread if you get it, great news on the rear-end also, so great news all around. Now back to work LOL crack of the whip lol
Just a bump for those who may not have seen the thread yet.

Sorry I havnt posted much progress lately...but the wife got a new job and works 3rds so that meant I had to switch my schedule around a bit also....so I am watching our boy while she is at work and then I watch him while she sleeps when she gets home lol....so I havnt had much free time.

Plus funds are low (whats new) and I can only get so much done pretty much doing it all on my own and the longer the duster sits without me getting much done to it...the more depressing it is and the less ambitious I get lol

I am hoping to get the interior done soon and get it in primer by winter atleast like I have been planning.

but gotta take it a day at a time.
You sure have things moving right along DusterDude72, I watch these threads with wishful thinking :-D You have dun more heavy work and detail work this year to your Duster then I could ever dream of doing
You have things moving forward and the grill look's great, and the dash 8)
I know what ya mean about being just a little bummed, Its been way to hot for me to even get out and wash my car and I just set back and look at it and wonder will I ever get her where I want her, It will be dun one day, but I don't think that day will be in the next two year's8) I think this is the summer time zapping the strength from me.
I was hoping on having a 24X30 shop built this fall and I don't see it happening yet.:-D
Who knows what tomorrow will bring , look at all the great progress you have made in just 4 months Looks like it's moving forward to me and in good style:cheers:
You sure have things moving right along DusterDude72, I watch these threads with wishful thinking :-D You have dun more heavy work and detail work this year to your Duster then I could ever dream of doing
You have things moving forward and the grill look's great, and the dash 8)
I know what ya mean about being just a little bummed, Its been way to hot for me to even get out and wash my car and I just set back and look at it and wonder will I ever get her where I want her, It will be dun one day, but I don't think that day will be in the next two year's8) I think this is the summer time zapping the strength from me.
I was hoping on having a 24X30 shop built this fall and I don't see it happening yet.:-D
Who knows what tomorrow will bring , look at all the great progress you have made in just 4 months Looks like it's moving forward to me and in good style:cheers:

Thanks Mike, Means alot from you buddy!
sat down and read your entire thread and man i gotta say, that is coming along very nice! i love that grill too! its making me want one for the duster that im about to pick up. anyways, just wanted to tell you that your progress is amazing and that its really setting a standard for some of us. keep up the good work!
sat down and read your entire thread and man i gotta say, that is coming along very nice! i love that grill too! its making me want one for the duster that im about to pick up. anyways, just wanted to tell you that your progress is amazing and that its really setting a standard for some of us. keep up the good work!

Hey thanks chafin .... I appreciate it!

Ill keep everyone up to date when I make a bit of progress, things have been a bit slow lately but I am going to get back on it.
I've been there before...when all you want to do is finish what you started. It becomes an obsession your pocketbook can't support, and you begin to get anxious about it, and anxiety is a mother!

You have to realize, though, that from what I know about you...the car will never be "finished". Some detail will need to be sorted out. Some modification will need to be done. There will always be SOMETHING nagging at you. If there weren't, you'd probably die from boredom. It's a hobby...a lifestyle. There will never be anything better (with the exception of certain favors from the opposite sex :wink:). When at last you are satisfied with or just plain burned out on it, you will likely sell it and start all over. So don't let it get you down, because you'll wind up living your life in pusuit of a unicorn.
LOL thanks for the observation.

your right I am the type that always see's room for improvement or picky with details (which slows me down) and I have owned and sold alot of cars (around 162 roughly) around here I am known for being the guy that doesnt hold onto a car for more than a few months lol. BUT the duster is special to me and I have no plans of selling it.

I will get it "done" eventually and get the chance to just enjoy driving it.

last year at this time it had no engine or transmission,a ton of bondo hiding some shotty body work,no brakes,didnts run or drive and so on....and it has already came a long way.

I atleast have most of the mechanical aspects of the car done and it is down to cosmetics.....as soon as I finish the interior I will feel alot better about the rate the project is being done at because I can pretty much narrow what needs to be done down to body work and focus on one area.

I am the type that can't stick to one project lol, I see interior work needing done,exterior work needing done,mechanical work needing done and I will do a little of each and it makes it feel like each thing takes that much longer because I have a hard time at focusing on specific areas of completion.

But SOON I should be down to body work and it will start going a bit smoother (in my mind anyhow LOL) thanks
I think I forgot to update my build thread on this but here goes.

I finally received the letter from MOPAR MUSCLE MAGAZINE letting me know that the duster is going to be in the december issue of the magazine ( available in october i believe though) and I am being sponsored by year one!....so thats pretty neat!:cheers:
I have been dinking around with getting my seats installed into the duster and they are about 4 inches wider than what a factory bucket seat would be so I could not utilize the factory bucket dimples in the floor pan since they would darn near sit onto of the trans tunnel in doing so.

SOOOO what I ended up doing was utilizing the factory bench seat outer holes and measuring inward and making new inner seat bolt holes .

I also welded in new 3/16" floor mounting bolt plates for a bit of added strength rather than bolting right to the thin sheet metal of the floor pan.

I also welded on 1x1 square stock metal to the bottom of the seat tracks ar risers to match the height of the factory bench seat mounting holes.

one 2 1/4" riser on the front left, a 1/2" riser on both the rears and no riser on the front right .....sits nice and level.

I also went through and weeded out unwanted wiring in the seats such as heated seats and air bag wiring and what not and I rewired it to my likings.

after I welded the plates into the floor I used a seam sealer just for the heck of it and I will paint it back to black before I put my carpet in.

I took pictures of the floor but forgot to take pictures of the seat but I will do so tomorrow.

one more seat to go!

ALSO , I don't think I updated you guys but I welded in my sifter mounting plate and bolted my shifter into place ( you can kind of see it in these pictures)



Looking good! And Congrats on the magazine as well as the sponsorship! Will you be in the young guns section?