74 Dart possessed by Satan...


Thanks! No tach or gauge but I will purchase one as to do this correctly. I will also make sure the timing is correct first.

Slow going with many children and work but I'll get there!

Even tried to replace the "emergency start switch" as it looks horribly corroded...

You need to bypass that thing. That is part of the "seat belt interlock." What it does is, when it "trips" it locks out the starter wire on the way to the starter relay from the key

Locate the two yellow / yellow-tracer wires, and permanently connect them together. You can cut and tape back the rest, or leave the rest, as you wish. Just get the two yellows connected.

I'm assuming you mean this damn thing:




My wife thinks my Barracuda is too. It never fails to catch her leg when she has to walk around it in te garage....:)>
That's the one 67Dart....

I would do it now but we've had tornadoes on the ground just a few miles from here so are holed up in basement. ...
