8000 posts. I'm taking a vacation



Staff member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
I hit the 8000 mark which has nothing to do with the superdart426 thread I have been part of. Time for me to get away from this place. I have many friends here that I will keep contact with but it's time to check out and take a break from the less than cool people here. Later dudes and dudettes! toolmanmike
Why does everybody always announce "I'm leaving !! " , if you don't want to be here just go .......
Mike, Tomorrow is a new day........Take a break if needed :cheers:
Yep a member here 8 years, other long timers have been leaving too. Sad to lose you Mike, hope it's temporary.


Yup, sorry to hear this Mike, you will be missed by many and I hope you will return soon....good luck my friend.

BTW, congrats on 8,000 posts!!!! I met Mike a couple years ago here in MN at the Mopar show, he is a super cool dude, sucks seeing a nice guy upset like this.
We need you here Mike!!!

We all get a little burnt out at times. Mine have been short lived, and I hope yours is also.
Hold the phone Mike!!!!!!! whats up ? I have missed something here, do like 6pk2goDemon said and hope a good day comes your way today, I seen you creeping up to the 8 grand mark :-D we all need a break at anything at times :coffee2: even our wife and children :toothy1: thats right kids :glasses7:
and they need a break from me :D The old song Don't Worry Be Happy is stuck in my brain :banghead: Mike ! That is your fault bud :D so see you back here soon :coffee2:
I look forward to your return.
I think a little time away from a hobby helps and hope you will come back soon with renewed energy.
I want to thank you for the great threads on the '66 Darts and 273 4bbl "Charger/Commando" engine build.

I left your who deleted my thread thread. Come back and check it out. It's a clear the air thing. Not normal protocol here but I made an exception for an outstanding long time member.
I left your who deleted my thread thread. Come back and check it out. It's a clear the air thing. Not normal protocol here but I made an exception for an outstanding long time member.

Great of you to do that for him! Way to go MOD! :cheers:
well, if all the good guys leave, who's left here? don't let the few win. i don't post much but i read every day. i try to live by one simple standard - do the right thing! bickering among ourselves was not why this forum was started.
I left your who deleted my thread thread. Come back and check it out. It's a clear the air thing. Not normal protocol here but I made an exception for an outstanding long time member.

A wonderful move for an wonderful core member!! THIS is exactly the kind of support that we need around here in my opinion, and it's absolutely well deserved. Daredevil Pete, I applaud you for not only your courage but most especially for being willing to stand up for the members of the site for the benefit of the greater good as a form of education ... and not sweep the detritus under the rug and hope nobody had the chance to read it (as it usually seems to happen).

In America the First Amendment allows free speech whether it's all sunshine and roses or just the opposite -- and "clearing the air" of that particular stench is very, very long overdue. It should come with a free sample of Febreze. :-D

And to Mike ... my friend, my loyal customer and my favorite tool man in the whole wide world :prayer: ... I hope the break is temporary but is long enough for you to realize what an important part of FABO and the Mopar hobby that you've become over the years. This place wouldn't be the same without you.

But it'll be a whole lot better without a few others .........
I left your who deleted my thread thread. Come back and check it out. It's a clear the air thing. Not normal protocol here but I made an exception for an outstanding long time member.

Great of you to do that for him! Way to go MOD! :cheers:

Thanks all of you that have stood by me and behind me with this matter. Time after time I saw this guy misrepresent Mopar parts to us and inflate prices to us all. I have been around here for quite a few years and don't want our members to get taken to the cleaners by people that are just here to hawk parts to us and take us to the cleaners to boot. Look at his thread history and you will see what I mean. He was here for free advertising and no commission sales. If you can sell Craigslist parts at Barrett Jackson prices why not. Because we let them. We are a group of passionate Mopar collectors that have A bodies because we can afford them and we like them. If I could afford a 70 440/6 pack Challenger I would be more than happy to pay a couple hundred for a original air cleaner. I am a 66 Dart owner and WON'T pay a couple hundred for a air cleaner that is not original or correct for my car but the seller says it's so. That's why I called the guy out. He got pissy with me and I blew the whistle on him. I hope none of you were offended or got yourselves in trouble over this. It went way farther than I expected but the outcome seems justified. There are many horror stories that have came out of this that I am sorry to hear but glad to see in print. I have bought many parts from members here and have been very happy with the transactions and I think the sales threads need to continue. I have had the best luck with asking for a particular needed part and then choosing between sellers, how they present themselves, and the quality of the part and the price. The ball is in my court then. This is such a great site and such a
positive place for us all I hate to see a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.
I commend Daredevil for his great job of moderating this situation. You patience let us all blow off some steam and a lot of stories came out that we all didn't know. Thanks to all for your support. I think we are all better here because of it. Toolmanmike
:color:I think i,m blushing.But!The glory isnt all mine. All the mods watched what unfolded and I did it with the support of my fellow mods. Also Joey our site administrator could have reeled me in but let me use my best judgement in the matter. So any thanks is owed to the whole fabo crew. Thank you fabo members for making this place what it is.
I am so happy to see our friend toolman posting as I enjoy my :coffee2: this morning.
Well I am so darn happy to see Mike back, and I have to agree 100 % on = this was good for the site, and toolmanmike, I was one that did not know allot of this till it was posted, thank you for bringing it to a stop to protect the many great members we have here :cheers:
daredevil and the rest of the mods=D>and toolmanmike =D> thank you :color:
Mike and staff AKA Daredevil, you done well. its good to know we have such people to keep an eye out on those who try to "take us" for all its worth.....

Thanks guys! And to the rest out there, this is what good staff, and respectable members do for each and every one of us in a time of difficulties.....